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COSMOS V1.0i13 week3 status
COSMOS weekly status
QA status (Srinivas Reddy Doma)
- 13 Week3 QA status
- Found 3 bugs on i13 week3 build:
- (Problem with CMDBfQueryBuilder - this.contextMenuFactory is null)
- (Under IE, refreshing COSMOS UI produces - Multiple Loading DataManagers icon) - Bug re-opened due to new problem where refreshing COSMOS Under IE shows duplicate child nodes
- (Problems with CMDB Graph Response Report)
- Found 3 bugs on i13 week3 build:
RE/Build team status (Saurabh Dravid)
Web/Documentation (Rich Vasconi)
- COSMOS Documentation Plan
- David found someone to generate HTML files from the DITA files
Testing Status of COSMOS Candidate Driver COSMOS-1.0.0-200808271150
Team, after you have updated your status on this page, send an email to Saurabh Dravid(sadravid at so that he can track when all of the status is posted and ready. To reduce noise on the mailing list, report to cosmos-dev only if you find a problem that other people need to know about and react to. Saurabh will post an email stating when the driver has passed all tests.
Data Collection (Jimmy Mohsin)
- Test suite org.eclipse.cosmos.dc.framework.test passed.
- is fixed on Aug 28, but not in the latest build (COSMOS-1.0.0-200808281255).
Data Visualization (Sheldon Lee-Loy) 
The driver is not good. Found the following bugs.
- 245369 - Problem with CMDBfQueryBuilder - this.contextMenuFactory is null
- 242688 - Under IE, refreshing COSMOS UI produces - Duplicate child nodes
- [1] - cannot open staff query folder
Test suites
- org.eclipse.cosmos.examples.e2e.tests/DataVisualization.UI.Component.Widget = 80%
- org.eclipse.cosmos.examples.e2e.tests/DataVisualization.UI.Reports = 50%
Resource Modeling (David Whiteman)
- validation.tests
- repository.tests
- smlif.tests
Management Enablement (Jason Losh)
Bugzilla status
Status to be filled in by:
- Data Collection bugzilla status (Jimmy Mohsin)
- Data Visualization bugzilla status (Sheldon Lee-Loy)
- Resource Modeling bugzilla status (David Whiteman)
- Management Enablement bugzilla status (Jason Losh)
- RE/Build bugzilla status (Saurabh Dravid)
- QA bugzilla status (Srinivas Reddy Doma)
The Status column can have one of these values:
- On track
- At risk
- Not containable
- Not started
Enter the status on the i13 plan and status