Attendees: Chris Mildebrant, Charlie Halloran, Eric Rose, Julia McCarthy, Yan Zhao, David Whiteman, Mark McCraw, Jeff Hamm, Merri Jensen, Jason Losh
i12 status review
Tooling work
The aggregator component of the BTG will be re-written as a result of the Drools removal in favor of Java. Josh to provide a sizing estimate for this work on 7/30.
Given the re-write the IPzillas for Drools have been removed.
The change analyzer does not work as is. Merri and Eric to work through some of the issues offline and provide an update in our next meeting.
Runtime/P2 alignment
This work is ongoing and much progress has been made over the past couple of weeks. Jeff to discuss a working P2 example for our meeting on 7/29.
SML/SDD alignment discussion
Julia to discuss in 2-3 weeks and ping Jason as to the target date of the meeting so the agenda can be set for that discussion.