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COSMOS Data Reporting 6-Aug-2008
Minutes for Data Reporting sub-project call.
- Date: 6-Aug-2008
- Time: 9:30am EST
- Jack
- Sheldon
- Leonard
- Martin
- JT
i12 June 30 to July 23 (4 weeks)
- Candidate build status
- Action Item from last week: Martin may open a bug with query request. Martin will provide Sheldon with a query that causes validation exception.
- Verify bugs.
i13 Aug 11 to Sept 3 (4 weeks)
- i13 Bugs and ER sizing
- Sheldon will create bug to add security to the data view
- Martin will create an ER to submit an Id that is associated with a save query to show in the data view.
- Jack will go over assignments and sizing of i13 bugs and ERs and update the assignments appropriately.
- Sheldon will follow up with reporters to verify bugs