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COSMOS Data Reporting 30-Apr-2008
Minutes for Data Reporting sub-project call.
- Date: 30-Apr-2008
- Time: 9:00am EST
- Bill
- Jack
- Paul
- Sheldon
- Leonard
- Martin
- John
i10 Status
- i10 open Data Visualization bugs
- i10 bug verification [Owners will verify bugs with i10 candidate builds]
- Owners of subcomponents outlined under will make sure their component has appropriate junit and manual test coverage.
- Missing registration/deregistration junit tests [Leonard will create new manual tests]
- Should move graph response manual test to /org.eclipse.cosmos.dr.tests/manual/DataVisualization.UI.Core.testsuite [Martin will do this]
- Documentation Verification. Status
- Need to update new features in document
- Graph Response Viewer pop-up dialog feature [Martin will complete this week. Sheldon will talk with Richard how to get him the update]
- Partial Registration/Partial Deregistration [Done]
i11 Planning
- i11 Planning Spreadsheet - Media:
- The following are themes used to categorize bugs and enhancements
- Stability - bugs that will improve the stability of the driver
- Cleanup -bugs that will help meet 1.0 release guidelines and help cleanup code
- Improve Usability - bugs that will improve existing tooling usability
- Framework Improvements - bugs that will improve the core ui framework
- Improve Tooling - enhancements that will provide additional tooling to manage, visualize and query MDRs
- Bugs and ERs were given P2,P3 or P4 priorty.
- P1 - This is a must-have enhancement OR this enhancement blocks another enhancement that has a priority of P1 or P2.
- P2 - This is a high priority enhancement, key to satisfying the goals of the iteration.
- P3 - This is a medium priority enhancement that can be moved to a future iteration with minimal impact to the goals of the current iteration.
- P4 & P5 - This is a low priority enhancement that will be addressed as time and resources permit.
- The intentions is to fix P2, P3 bugs and fix P3 enhancements if possible
- Bugs and ERs were given a rough sizing
- Low - takes 1-3 days
- Medium - takes a week
- High - takes more than a week
- The following are themes used to categorize bugs and enhancements
Action Items
- Bring up locale issue in community call. Should locale be set from the browser and sent to the MDR?
- Bring up example mdr names. Find an appropriate name. Should MDR provide a display name?
- Sheldon will add a mapping file to map MDR names with an id. The test suites should reference the ids so that the manual tests don't change from iteration to iteration.