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Community Call Minutes - January 23, 2008
Attendees: Tania, Jack, Jimmy, Paul, Jagmit, Mark, Shivy, Hubert, Rich
Subproject organization:
- The physical repository structure is set, which is difficult to change subprojects
- We need to define the PMC a bit more cleanly
- We have the meetings cleanly segmented, but we tend bleed topics across the meetings. We need to focus on managing the agenda creep.
- Perhaps we should have a CMDBf Toolkit meeting with David, Ali, Jimmy, Hubert, Bill, and Martin. This could take the place of the DC and possibly the DV calls.
- It may be worth segmenting the mailing list traffic as well - we should revisit this. This may not add value as everyone may end up on every list.
- Suggestion: We should allocate time slots every week and fill them with whatever topics are necessary for that week. This may be difficult because it would require that all agendas be set at the beginning of the week.
- We should spin off separate meetings on the side when something is outside the scope of the meeting purpose
- We should consider having 15-minute meetings during test to touch bases on hot issues
- It would be helpful to have one page on the main COSMOS page with the current topic with the latest developments - "What's going on this week?" with all the meetings
- Monthly summit calls seem to be more effective than the weekly meetings because it is a dedicated block of time and focused agenda
- We should make sure we identify topics for all the agendas in advance
Proposed Meeting Adjustments:
- Combine Data Collection, Data Visualization & Architecture - 2 hours early in the week
- Community call - later in week - Thurs or Fri