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December 6, 2007 Minutes - COSMOS Community Call
Attendees: Tania, Don, Rich, Serge Mankovski (CA), Jimmy, Bobby, Hubert, David, Valentina, Mark, Sheldon
- Create an e-meeting for the summit - Tania
- Send Tania a list of IPZilla entries and their status - Mark
- Open enhancement requests to update existing data managers - Hubert
Monthly Summit:
- We need an e-meeting for tomorrow's summit - Tania will set this up
- Team prioritized and set time targets for agenda items to make sure we get through the most important topics at a minimum. Mark posted updates on the wiki.
- We decided to table Runtime environments for M2 and dependencies for i8 & M2. We will cover these topics on an architecture call.
- Jimmy will check with Leonard to make sure he can attend toward the end of the call for the RE discussion
IPZilla status:
- Mark will send Tania a list of the current IPZilla entries and their status. Tania will follow up on them accordingly.
i7 Cleanup:
- Tania expressed thanks to the team for cleaning up many of the i7 bugzilla entries. There are still several bugs outstanding. Tania will be following up with individuals on those.
Other topics:
- We need to open an enhancement request to update existing data managers (this blocks a data visualization enhancement for the reports). John Todd is working on this enhancement. Sheldon and Joel should connect to discuss.
Can we open an enhancement for each of the data managers first, and then decide who to assign them to? Hubert will open the enhancements.