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COSMOS Community Call Minutes - October 18, 2007
Attendees: Tania, Sheldon, Don, Valentina, Bobby, Balan, Jagmit, Mark, David
Action Items:
- Update the release schedule to include milestones for high-level designs and extended test pass cycles - Tania
- Complete draft proposal for EclipseCon to review on 10/25/07 - Mark & Jimmy
- Finalize agenda for F2F - Don, Mark, Jimmy, et. al.
- Schedule demo of TPTP Test Tool - Sheldon
Release Schedule:
- There have been several suggestions on how we should handle the design schedule. Some suggest that we schedule a period to create designs at the beginning of each iteration. Others suggest that we complete designs before the start of an iteration.
- After some discussion, the consensus is that we should complete high-level conceptual designs and sizings prior to the start of each iteration, as we need this level of information to assess the enhancement requests, determine whether or not to accept them and assign the appropriate resource(s) to them.
- Valentina has a template from TPTP for this high-level design. At one point the COSMOS team discussed using the wiki to collaborate on this information, and posting a formal document and sizings in Bugzilla. We need to determine a common place for doing this.
- Tania will update the schedule to include a milestone for when the high-level designs will be completed and accepted before each iteration.
- There has also been a suggestion to extend the length of the test pass.
- We need to simplify the packaging of our end-to-end test. This would ease adoptibility for consumers, and reduce our test time. We need to have this packaging better defined by the next milestone.
- As we continue to add new features, we will likely have to modify the end-to-end test and packaging, so it is not likely that the time required to complete the testing will decrease in the near term.
- Balan will pull together some initial ideas.
- For now, Tania will extend the length of each test pass.
EclipseCon 2008:
- Mark and Jimmy are continuing to work on the proposal. They will have something ready to share with the team next week.
F2F Meeting:
- This is a face-to-face meeting for all of COSMOS, not just the Data Collection team. Mark has asked Jimmy to update the collateral to reflect this.
- The current agenda is posted on the wiki. Don updated the contact information and logistics, and has the action to add tentative timeframes for the topics.
Other discussion:
- Sheldon conducted a meeting with the TPTP test project. They have offered to demo the tool used to create test suites to the COSMOS Community. We should make sure that the appropriate folks from CA attend. Sheldon will work with Jimmy to arrange this.
- Jagmit updated the BIRT runtime from version 2.2.0 to version 2.2.1, which goes with Eclipse 3.3.1.