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  1. Support J2EE environment
  2. Need a way to access resource manager from resource class
  3. Ability to control which standard capabilities to include in the resource
  4. mgmt.wsdm and mgmt.common bundles should not depend on other cosmos bundles.
  5. Need to have an easy client story
  6. Need to have the ability to take a "generic" web services call. For example, the CMDBf web services calls will not have the addressing context.
  7. Must be able to support service groups


1. Compare JAX-WS annotations processing with how we do annotations processing (all)

2. Document feature.xml usage to do server-side osgi configuration to help Hubert's ManagementBroker work. (Dennis is the resident expert here). (Denis to provide documentation on wiki.)

ERs: (Target these for i8 - with the possible exception of ServiceGroups and tooling)

1. Get J2ee support working. Tomcat with Axis2 as target. (Hubert's top)

2. Expose the ManagementBindingProvider to annotated class. This will allow annotated classes to access things like the WSDM EPR. Design

3. Work out the Delegation/Composition Model. Needs to be able to specify implementations and support defaults (existing muse). Design

4. Create 'standard' interfaces for default capabilities. (OperationalStatus, etc.). Design

5. Add a notion of 'default instance' to support Balan's hack. We'll probably provide an annotation to designate a static factory method as the 'default instance' provider. (Mark's top - to support CMDBf) - for addressing the requirement of supporting generic web service clients. Design

6. Add annotation for ServiceGroups.

7. Better RMD support.

8. Tooling support

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