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CDT:EclipseCon 2007
Here are links into the EclipseCon 2007 web site for presentations related to the CDT. As you can see, there was quite a lot.
- Extending CDT To Support Your Compiler
- A Tour of the Eclipse Debug Framework
- Building Tools on the Target Management RSE Framework
Long Talks
- C++ GUI Builder for Mobile or Embedded devices
- Assembling your open C and C++ workbench
- C/C++ Source Code Introspection Using the CDT
- Parallel Tools Platform: Now and Future
- DSDP - 6 projects and counting
- SAFARI: A Meta-Tooling Platform for Creating Language-Specific IDE's
- What's New in CDT 4.0
- EMFT JET: Building code generators to support Model Driven Development
- Embedded sytems debugging and profiling using CDT and TPTP-based environment
Short Talks
- CDT 4.0: easy to use and integrate
- Intelligent Command Line Processing for The CDT
- Multi-platform development with CDT
- Performance Analysis of Parallel C/C++ and Fortran Applications in Eclipse
- Autotools Demo
- Device Debugging (DD) Project Update
- Tools for Mobile Linux Project: Extending Eclipse into Linux Mobile Devices