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Build the Higgins browser extension for IE
To build the Higggins browser extension for IE, you need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2008, and make sure you have installed Windows SDK 6.0 (Windows Software Development Kit for Windows Vista™ and .NET Framework 3.0 Runtime Components), as the code need the infocard API to launch Microsoft CardSpace.
If you have installed VC 2008, you can check out the org.eclipse.higgins.hbxie project from SVN, and find the a ObjBehavior folder inside this project. It's a complete VC 2008 project. Double-click the ObjBehavior.sln, then you can launch the solution in VC 2008.
Go ahead to build the solution by click F7, the final result is the ObjBehavior.dll in the Debug or Release folder of your solution project.