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Bugzilla Housecleaning Processes
As discussed at the June 10, 2009 and June 17, 2009 PMC meetings, we will follow these Bugzilla housecleaning processes to ensure Bugzilla defects and enhancements reflect the current state of the project.
These Bugzilla housecleaning processes are intended to communicate a clear statement to the open-source community and our consuming products that TPTP is in maintenance mode and is only focusing on unresolved defects relative to our current resource levels. Our intent here is to solicit feedback via email and Bugzilla to determine those enhancements/defects of importance to the open-source community and our consuming products. In addition, we hope the open-source community will response with contributions/resources to address some of these enhancements/defects, similar to the outcome of the TPTP 4.5 Component Reorganization.
Bugzilla housecleaning steps will be completed at the end of each TPTP release in the order that they appear.
1) Enhancements
a) Hyades Unresolved Enhancements
All unresolved (UNCONFIRMED or NEW or ASSIGNED or REOPENED) Hyades (Tools Classification and Hyades Product) enhancements will be converted to TPTP (TPTP Classification) enhancements with a unspecified version, --- target and the associated Product and Component.
b) Unresolved Enhancements
All unresolved (UNCONFIRMED or NEW or ASSIGNED or REOPENED) and untargeted (--- or Future or future) enhancements will be resolved as WONTFIX with the housecleaned<xyz>1 whiteboard tag, <x.y[.z]>1 target, and the follow comment:
Note: Reopened enhancements should be triaged by the Project Lead and targeted to the current or upcoming TPTP release so the enhancement is not housecleaned at the end of the current TPTP release. In addition, the housecleaned<xyz>1 and closed<xyz>1whiteboard tags should be removed.
Housecleaned Enhancements
Unresolved enhancements that have been housecleaned in the following releases:
2) Defects
a) Hyades Unresolved Defects
All unresolved (UNCONFIRMED or NEW or ASSIGNED or REOPENED) Hyades (Tools Classification and Hyades Product) defects will be converted to TPTP (TPTP Classification) defects with a unspecified version, --- target, and the associated Product and Component.
b) Newer Unresolved Defects
For all unresolved (UNCONFIRMED or NEW or ASSIGNED or REOPENED) and untargeted (--- or Future or future) defects opened less than 2 years before the General Availability (GA) date of the current TPTP release (for example, opened between June 24, 2007 - June 24, 2009 for TPTP 4.6), the following reminder email will be sent by the Project Lead to the originator of the defect:
<defect list>
If the originator of the defect has an inactive Bugzilla account (for example, inactive email address), the defect is triaged by the Project Lead and if no longer relevant, resolved as WONTFIX with the housecleaned<xyz>1 whiteboard tag, <x.y[.z]>1 target, and the follow comment:
Note: Reopened defects should be triaged by the Project Lead and targeted to the current or upcoming TPTP release so the defect is not housecleaned at the end of the current TPTP release. In addition, the housecleaned<xyz>1 and closed<xyz>1whiteboard tags should be removed.
c) Older Unresolved Defects
All unresolved (UNCONFIRMED or NEW or ASSIGNED or REOPENED) and untargeted (--- or Future or future) defects opened more than 2 years before the General Availability (GA) date of the current TPTP release (for example, opened on or before June 23, 2007 for TPTP 4.6, released on June 24, 2009) will be resolved (note, all defects must be triaged by the Project Lead before resolving as WONTFIX to determine if any should be added to the defect plan for the next TPTP release) as WONTFIX with the housecleaned<xyz>1 whiteboard tag, <x.y[.z]>1 target, and the follow comment:
Note: Reopened defects should be triaged by the Project Lead and targeted to the current or upcoming TPTP release so the defect is not housecleaned at the end of the current TPTP release. In addition, the housecleaned<xyz>1 and closed<xyz>1whiteboard tags should be removed.
Housecleaned Defects
Newer unresolved defects that have been emailed in the following releases:
Newer unresolved defects that have been housecleaned in the following releases:
Older unresolved defects that have been housecleaned in the following releases:
3) Enhancements and Defects
a) Hyades Resolved/Unverified Enhancements/Defects
All resolved (RESOLVED or VERIFIED) and unverified (RESOLVED) Hyades (Tools Classification and Hyades Product) enhancements/defects will be verified/closed with the closed<xyz>1 whiteboard tag and the follow comment:
Note: Reopened enhancements/defects should be triaged by the Project Lead and targeted to the current or upcoming TPTP release so the enhancement/defect is not housecleaned at the end of the current TPTP release. In addition, the housecleaned<xyz>1 and closed<xyz>1whiteboard tags should be removed.
b) Newer Resolved/Unverified Enhancements/Defects
For all resolved (RESOLVED or VERIFIED) and unverified (RESOLVED) enhancements/defects resolved less than 1 year before the General Availability (GA) date of the current TPTP release (for example, opened between June 24, 2008 - June 24, 2009 for TPTP 4.6), the following reminder email will be sent by the Project Lead to the originator of the enhancement/defect:
<enhancement/defect list>
If the originator of the enhancement/defect has an inactive Bugzilla account (for example, inactive email address), the enhancement/defect is verified by the Project Lead and verified/closed with the closed<xyz>1 (note, ensure when changing several defects at once that the closed<xyz>2 whiteboard tag does not overwrite the housecleaned<xyz>2 whiteboard tag for housecleaned enhancements/defects) whiteboard tag and the follow comment:
Note: Reopened enhancements/defects should be triaged by the Project Lead and targeted to the current or upcoming TPTP release so the enhancement/defect is not housecleaned at the end of the current TPTP release. In addition, the housecleaned<xyz>1 and closed<xyz>1whiteboard tags should be removed.
c) Older Resolved/Unverified Enhancements/Defects
All resolved (RESOLVED or VERIFIED) and unverified (RESOLVED) enhancements/defects (note, Bugzillas resolved as a DUPLICATE of another Bugzilla will not be verified/closed) resolved more than 1 year before the General Availability (GA) date of the current TPTP release (for example, opened on or before June 23, 2008 for TPTP 4.6, released on June 24, 2009) will be verified/closed with the closed<xyz>1 whiteboard tag and the follow comment:
Note: Reopened enhancements/defects should be triaged by the Project Lead and targeted to the current or upcoming TPTP release so the enhancement/defect is not housecleaned at the end of the current TPTP release. In addition, the housecleaned<xyz>1 and closed<xyz>1whiteboard tags should be removed.
Housecleaned Enhancements/Defects
Hyades resolved/unverified enhancements/defects that have been housecleaned in the following releases:
Newer resolved/unverified enhancements/defects that have been emailed in the following releases:
Older resolved/unverified enhancements/defects that have been housecleaned in the following releases:
4) Notifications
A summary email will be sent by the Project Lead to the TPTP PMC mailing list detailing the number of housecleaned enhancements/defects.
Summary Emails
Summary emails that have been emailed in the following releases:
1 Where:
- x is the major segment of the current TPTP release (for example, 4 for TPTP 4.6.0).
- y is the minor segment of the current TPTP release (for example, 6 for TPTP 4.6.0).
- z is the service segment of the current TPTP release (for example, 0 for TPTP 4.6.0).