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Babel / Development Status Meetings / 2009-09-21


Kit Y
Denis Y
Gabe Y
Jeff Y


  • Babel Release - post 0.7
    • focus on packaging and polishing works for the translation server, message editor, and other tools
    • We need more time to finish the code and test. Re-target to SR2.
  • Translation assistance tools
    • Mori-san: A set of translation assistance tools version 1.0 is available on SourceForge. JP as a name of "Benten" project. By the way, almost all source codes are written in EPL, and we intend to donate them to Babel. But we have recognized a few license issues for the donation. I would like to discuss this point.
    • Can the tool co-exist in both SourceForge and Eclipse Foundation? Anyone knows how to proceed?
  • CQs
    • bug 261958 Language pack should integrate the translated help; Japanese help files for WTP and Mylyn attached; CQ 3533 submitted; CQ not approved yet
    • bug 289014 BIRT 2.5.0 Translation for 6 languages in group 1; CQ 3533 submitted; CQ not approved yet
  • Eclipse Community Forums
    • Denis, do we have to do anything?
  • bug 290004
    • Babel Language Pack for eclipse in French - jars not available
    • Denis, can you check to see if it's a server problem?
  • bug 261958
    • CQ not approved yet, but I started to create a langauge pack to include the doc translations
    • Tried to use the Babel Language Pack Build Tool; encountered a few problems; opened bugs; assigned to Tod
    • I created the language pack manually; was able to see the WTP doc in Japanese
    • However, WTP included UI plugins and doc plugins into one feature
    • I can either see WTP doc in Japanese and UI strings in English, or WTP doc in English and UI strings in Japanese
    • We have to build both UI plugins and doc plugins together
    • Hacked the UI plugins and doc plugins together; a langauge pack including the WTP doc in Japanese is ready
    • Need longer term solution

WTP translations.png

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