Teleconference on Axis2 Integration into WTP - Nov 23, 2006
- Chris Brealey <>
- Kathy Chan <>
- Lahiru Sandakith <>
- Arthur Ryman <>
- <LS> Requesting to change teleconference start time from 10:00 EST to 9:00 EST
- <KC> Will confirm with David Williams. Will change meeting to 9:00am - 10:00am EST / 7:30pm - 8:30pm IST (UTC + 5:30).
- <KC> Axis2 1.1 released Nov 13, 2006. I have tried the Code Generation Wizard but was having problem with the Service Archive Generator. Will send note to Lahiru about it.
- <AR> WTP 1.5.x is not for new function, but could be a base for separate new function.
- <CB> Axis2 tools will probably require changes going into the WS platform in 2.0. Therefore, we won't go out of our way to tolerate WTP 1.5.x. WTP 2.0 is the natural choice for the initial integration of Axis2 into WTP.
- <CB> [WTP 2.0] schedule discussed.
Date Milestone Theme
2006.09.01 M1 Run on Eclipse 3.3 stream.
2006.10.06 M2 Run on Eclipse 3.3 stream.
2006.11.17 M3 Clean up warnings; JUnits; Analyze adopter usage reports.
2007.01.04 M4 Propose / implement APIs / RFEs.
2007.02.23 M5 Supply EclipseCon with demos; ~80% API / RFE complete.
2007.04.06 M6 API freeze; RFE complete.
2007.05.18 RC1 Bug fixes and documentation.
2007.06.22 GM Final build.
2007.06.29 GA Final release.
- Tentative targets for Axis2 integration work:
- M4 - Use-cases, requirements document and design document complete.
- M5 - 80% API (if any) and function complete.
- M6 - API freeze and function complete.
- RC1 - bug fixes only.
- <LS> I'm also working on other projects at the same time. I will try to schedule my time with the WTP 2.0 schedule in mind.
- <KS> Does Axis 2 support EJB?
- <LS> Axis2 supports POJO deployment. Not sure about EJB.
- <KC> Whether or not Axis 2 supports EJB based deployment, we should focus on POJO. We'll start with Java bottom-up / top-down.
- <AR> What servers will we target?
- <CB> Any server with a servlet facet (like Tomcat).
- <KC> Can aars be exploded?
- <LS> Yes.
- <KC> The services.xml is generated via wsdl2java. What, besides services.xml and classes, go in the aar?
- <LS> Optionally the custom WSDL (eg. to preserve the original WSDL in top-down) goes into the aar.
- <All> Use cases
- Use case 1 - Axis2 facet
- Develop an Axis 2 facet to manage the Axis jars, services folder, etc. on a project.
- Use case 2 - Creation wizard
- Support creating POJO based Web services bottom-up and top-down.
- Most common controls are exposed.
- More advanced controls are hidden under sections/buttons or optional pages (similar to custom mapping checkbox in Axis 1 support).
- Use Axis2 preference page to pick defaults for controls (similar to Axis 1 emitter preference page).
- Wizards need to read/write from/to the Eclipse workspace with no manual refresh required by user. Less emphasis on reading/writing resources on filesystem.
- Drive emitter against temporary directory, use Eclipse resource operations to copy into workspace, respect Web service resource management preferences (file overwrite, folder creation, automatic checkout).
- Use case 3 - Editing after Web service creation
- Hot deployment is necessary, i.e. without the need to re-run the wizard. This is why having the aar exploded into the Web project is important.
- Try to avoid the need for a builder producing an explicit .aar in the workspace.
- <LS> Axis 2 has a hot-deploy enablement tag in the axis2.xml config file.
- <LS> User might want to change parameters in services.xml. Do we support changing services.xml? Axis 2 doesn't hot load it.
- <CB> We could provide a resource listener that will detect changes to the file and offer to recycle the servlet.
- Wizard will need to merge services.xml, since services.xml can have a group of services within it. WSDL2Java just overwrites.
- A Web project may contain multiple aars.
- Emitters should be executed within the Eclipse process, if possible.
- Use case 4 - AAR file export
- AARs exist only in exploded form in the workspace. User would use an AAR export wizard (similar to WAR export) to export an AAR to the file system.
- Remaining use cases not discussed because of running out of time.
- <CB> [RFE 165664] opened for the enhancement to integrate Axis2 into WTP. We should open seperate defects for smaller units of work and have the RFE depend on these defects.
- TODOs:
- Kathy: Create root Axis 2 Wiki document, plus use case, requirements and desing doc.
- Kathy: Create a "how-to" extend the WS platform document.
- Chris: Open the second legal questionnaire.