KC: With the latest code submitted to RFE 168765, I can use Axis2 runtime preference page to install Axis2 runtime (needs to run Ant command on <Axis2_install>/webapp directory, I can also add Axis2 facet in a Web project and run through a bottom-up scenario. However, I ran into problems with skeleton and client scenario. See RFE 168765 for latest status.
Discuss design issues related to Axis2 install location
Should use Axis2 binary distribution, not Webapp directory
There should not be a need for the user to do an Ant build since we should not be copying axis2.war to the project we are adding Axis2 facet to.
Discuss design issues related to adding Axis2 facet
We all agreed that we should not be replacing WebContent when adding Axis2 facet, should merge Axis2 servlet with existing content.
LS: The code is currently not changing Java output directory when installing facet.
KC: I noticed that in the latest code attachments, hot deploy (updating of Java classes that implements the Web service) is already working. So this might not be needed.
CB: Axis2 facet should not depend on the jst.web facet.
KC: Instead, the Axis2 service runtime should require axis2.core and jst.web, Axis2 client runtime should either require axis2.core and jst.web, or axis2.core and jst.utility (similar to Axis1).
LS: When Axis2 jars are added to lib/ via the wizard, will the jars appear on the build path?
CB: Yes. This is handled by resource listeners deep in the WTP platform.
LS: Can the Axis2 facet ever conflict with other facets and leave a project in an inconsistent state?
CB: In theory, yes, but it's very unlikely. When a known conflict between facets exists, it is expressed in the facet extensions.
LS: Is it OK if some of my plugins depend on Java 5? If so, do I need to write code to handle cases where a user runs Eclipse on a Java 1.4.x JRE?
CB: Nope. Other components are starting to prereq Java 5 as well.
KC: Where does the code live?
Axis2 runtime management code should live in WST. Eg:
Axis2 installation location preferences page.
Core utility methods for copying jars from Axis2.
Core utility methods for simplifying invocation of the Axis2 emitters.
Axis2 development tools should live in JST, in the axis2.core plugin. Eg:
Axis2 facet.
Axis2 emitter preferences page.
Axis2 emitter preference objects.
KC: Need to prepare stable bottom-up, top-down and client scenarios with user specified Axis2 install location and adding Axis2 facet in time for the March 5 EclipseCon. Let's aim at getting a stable driver by early next week and tutorial by Wednesday next week.
LS: OK. Will have first draft of design document soon too. Will attach to wiki.
LS: How do we proceed with Eclipse legal's question about the obscure "This is the cute way of making the namespaces columns editable" comment?
CB: You've traced the pedigree of the comment and the code around it back to Apache code, however, where that code came from isn't clear. Tell Sharon/Janet what you've discovered so far. If worse comes to worse, we can do a clean-room (Kathy) reimplementation of the suspect code. Remember that we can only staple "EPL" on code that (1) you have invented, not copied, and (2) you have authorized Eclipse to license (which you've done).
Schedule for other M6 RFEs (168937, 168938, 168939)