LS: Yes. Documents are very useful. Started integrating. Ran into a few questions. Will send in an emal.
KC: We can use email or schedule some time on Yahoo instant messaging to work thru issues.
KC: Any followup questions on use cases discussed last time? Any updates?
LS: Please clarify the last item in the use cases document re. exploring WS in the Project Explorer.
KC: Currently, the "JSR 109 Web services" branch shows only JSR-109 Web services. We should generalize it to show Axis 2 (and other kinds of) Web services too.
Discuss additional use cases besides the one covered in Use cases for Axis2 Integration in WTP, including potential for inclusion in WTP 2.0 vs. a later release.
Discovery and testing of Axis2 Web services via the WSE.
KC: It's for the WSE to find Axis2 Web services under the Axis2 Web service category.
CB: Explained Web services finder framework. Will add documentation to Kathy's API doc.
Provision of sample JSPs for Axis2 clients.
KC: Current sample JSP generator supports JAX-RPC value types.
LS: Axis2 has its own data binding (ADB - Axis Data binding)
CB: Depending on its proximity to JAX-RPC value classes etc., we may either...
Tweak existing JSP generator to handle Axis2.
Create a new generator.
CB: This item is not so critical, since we have the WSE, and the possibility of Axis2 JUnit (next item).
Provision of an Axis2 JUnit generation test facility.
LS: Axis2 supports this. We might be able to wire this as a new test facility option into the tools.
KC: Can add Axis2 JUnit as another Web servcie test extension that can be picked when the user use the Web service wizards.
Support for WSDL 2.0.
LS: WSDL 2.0 support is under development. Lots of work. Current support in Axis2 1.1 is "experimental".
LS: Axis 1.2 will have much better support for WSDL 2.0. ETA in a couple months.
CB: We could provide a WSDL 1.1 vs. 2.0 preferences, however, rest of Eclipse tools (WSDL Editor, WSDL validator) won't understand WSDL 2.0 in WTP 2.0.
AAR import.
KC: Need to import AAR from outside of workspace. The reverse of AAR export.
CB: AAR should be in exploded form in the workspace. Once it's imported, the result should be the same as if the Web service had been created right in the workspace.
KC: New Web services can be added to imported AAR.
LS: Should we have a validator for services.xml files?
CB: We can provide Schema based validation, if a Schema exists or can be developed.
LS: A more advanced semantic validator exists in WSO2.
KC: Perhaps this could be contributed to WTP?
LS: Will discuss with Sanjiva.
Handler configuration.
LS: Wizard based approach from JSR-109 is good.
LS: Editing services.xml is more tedious to the user.
LS: Workload on WTP 2.0 could be a problem.
CB: Could be wizard based (like current JSR-109 handler configuration wizard) or in the form of services.xml validator.
QoS (Quality of Service) functionalities that can be added to enhance a service, such as WS Policy, WS Security and WS Reliable Messaging.
LS: Eventually need to provide tools to add and configure QoS to services.
LS: For WTP 2.0 we will integrate Axis2 on time first, then think about QoS.
CB: We should make it a goal to have the Axis2 tools (eg. around the emitters and wizard flows) extensible for the subsequent (post WTP 2.0) plugging-in of support for modules, eg. Sandesha, Kandula2, Rampart, JAX-WS.