Teleconference on Axis2 Integration into WTP - April 18, 2007
Kathy Chan
Lahiru Sandakith
Progress on RFE, code check-in and build.
KC: 04/05 submission checked into CVS and released. I tried the latest WTP 2.0 build (wtp-sdk-I-I200704250815-200704250815). I'm able to run the following scenarios:
Install Axis2 runtime.
Create dynamic Web project with Axis2 facets.
Create bottom-up Axis2 Web service with client. Test client with J2SE application.
Create top-down Axis2 Web service.
Test top-down Axis2 Web service with WSE.
Updates on outstanding bugs. Prioritize for WTP 2.0 RC0, RC1 and beyond WTP 2.0.
KC: Need 183046 so that the user does not need to buidl axis2.war and the code behaves the same way as the tutorial.
LS: Will attach patch later on today. It fixes a number of problems, including 183046 and 177409 (OutOfMemory problem).
KC: DCUT for RC0 is 05/09. After that, bugs would likely need approval to get in.
LS: After first major patch to include the latest fixes in code base 04/23, will update which defect has been fixed and which one is still outstanding.
Updates on Axis2 tutorials.
KC: Need to update Copyright/license header.
LS: Will re-submit.
Updates on Axis2 documentation plugins.
KC: Need something for RC0. At least explain how to install Axis2 runtime, add facet and what the various pages are for. Will open bug.
LS: Will get something for RC0.
Updates on Axis2 FVT plan.
KC: Need some FVT plan to test the Axis2 functionality. Need this before 05/11. FVT for RC0 will happen 05/14 to 05/16.
LS: Will try to get help within company to help.
Updates on Axis2 design doc.
KC: We'll need the Axis2 design to be documented so that a FVT plan can be written against it.