Teleconference on Axis2 Integration into WTP - April 18, 2007
Kathy Chan
Lahiru Sandakith
Lahiru was not able to dial in during the scheduled meeting. We had IM chat afterwards instead. We'll have a regularly scheduled meeting next Wednesday.
Progress on submitted RFEs:
Legal is still processing [CQ 1373]. Outlook is end of this week or early next week. Kathy has attached the latest 04/05 code drop from Lahiru including up-to-date bug fixes. Lahiru might be able to get another bunch of bug fixes by Monday.
Updates on bug fixes:
Axis2 install location - Lahiru would change code so that the user does not need to run Ant to build axis2.war manually.
Lahiru has fixed client page problem. Will look into preference page save problem.
Lahiru has a proposed fix for OutOfMemory problem.
Updates on Axis tutorials:
Lahiru has submitted 2 Axis2 tutorials. Kathy will attach to CQ 1373.
Axis2 FVT plan not discussed. Will send note and follow up next week.