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Architecture Council/Meetings/October 13 2011
Meeting Title: | Architecture Council Monthly Meeting |
Date & Time: | Thursday October 13, 2011 at 1500 UTC / 0800 SFO / 1100 Ottawa / 1600 London / 1700 Berlin attention DST change![]() ![]() |
Dial-in: | NEW Canada 1-877-727-8553 toll free / 1-416-840-9801 caller paid NEW U.S. 1-866-394-4146 toll free / 1-480-629-1624 caller paid NEW passcode 428029063 |
All AC Members are invited.
- PMC Reps please confirm attendance or list your delegate below. Every PMC is required to name a primary and backup delegate, and to ensure that one delegate attends the meeting.
BIRT: | |
DTP: | Brian Payton | Linda Chan |
Eclipse: | |
John Arthorne |
Modeling: | |
Kenn Hussey |
Mylyn: | Steffen Pingel | |
RT: | |
Tom Watson |
SOA: | |
Sebastien Gandon |
Technology: | Gunnar Wagenknecht | Wayne Beaton |
Tools: | Doug Schaefer | |
TPTP: | (TBA) | |
WTP: | |
Neil Hauge |
- Signed-up: John Arthorne, Wayne Beaton, Christian Campo, Linda Chan, Sebastien Gandon, Neil Hauge, Kenn Hussey, Kim Moir, Martin O, Andrew Overholt, Brian Payton, Steffen Pingel, Mary Ruddy, Doug Schaefer, Gunnar Wagenknecht, Tom Watson
- Regrets: Oliver Cole (standing conflict), Wenfeng Li (standing conflict), Andrew Overholt (vacation), Markus Knauer (conflict), Adrian Mos (conflict), Achim Lörke (conflict), Pascal Rapicault (conflict), Tom Schindl (travelling)
- No-Show: Chris Aniszczyk, Boris Bokowski, Nick Boldt, Chuck Bridgham, Cédric Brun, Dave Carver, Doug Clarke, Oisin Hurley, Mik Kersten, Bernd Kolb, Jeff McAffer, Ed Merks, Mike Milinkovich, Michael Scharf, Darin Swanson, David Williams, Mike Wilson, Oliver Wolf, Gary Xue
Agenda / Notes
- Feel free to edit, but not during the call!
Review of Last Meeting
- Architecture Council/Meetings/September 15 2011
- Still open items moved to #Action_Items
New Topics
- Welcome Sebastien Gandon (Talend) - Architect at Talend, not committer yet, new Talend Rep
- Sebastien: Sopera - change of focus from runtime not really true, Sopera bought by Talend - focusing on runtime now, building a route builder and going to contribute
Retiring CVS
- Wayne: bug 358980 retire CVS (in favor of git, starting to use the carrot as a stick .. talking about Dec 21,2012 for CVS to go read-only now)
- asking AC members to help making that a reality
- Looking at probably retiring SVN support too (not talked to Subversive yet, but going to deprecate from the New Project Provisioning form)
- egit learning curve... been cited a lot as reason to not move, but we NEED TO start getting things off webmaster's plate
- egit will never be the same as CVS
- egit continues to evolve... provide more input
- hoping that more good things come out of the pressure on teams to move
- Kim: For projects that haven't moved yet, make it clear that there IS a cost moving
- Wayne: Moving foundation-managed resources to git (website), putting together a collection of materials for people to learn
git releng and tagging
- Gunnar: git releng and tagging strategies (eclipse-dev discussion)
- Proper solution / migration path from the Mapfiles ?
- "Git Releng" about to be moved back from egit into Eclipse Releng (just waited for Eclipse Releng to move to git)
- John: Orion experience was that the only way to move forward was for the Builder to run the tagging script
- Mapfiles ONLY for replacing version qualifiers; Mapfiles generated automatically; scripts in Orion releng, and floating around
- Orion always builds from master .. but few developers; Platform is larger, thus idea of 2 branches
- Orion doesn't use git flow - single branch rather than 2 branches
- Platform team want "N-builds" in dev branch for all the tests, then "I-builds" in stable/master branch
- Do any non-trivial change in a private branch, then merge into master when done
- Naming .. don't care much
- git flow has some helper scripts that help enforcing the model (eg require any checkin to master must be in dev first)
- Andrew: Linux Tools pretty small - checkins just into master, CI does git pull every 6 hours or so. "Stable" release branches (ex. stable-0.8, stable-0.9) for releases (stabilization).
- Doug: Very similar with CDT
- John: It's common in git to work on multiple branches ... but our CI / automated builds are only set up to build on ONE branch
- Martin: That's built into Gerrit (tied into Hudson) - but unsure how that would work with multiple git repos
Different ID's for plugins and features
- bug 358917 naming: Enforce different ID's for plugins and features
- Tycho made a change to enforce the groupID match the artifactID .. perception that ID's have to be different but that's not true
- Doug: Just uses different group ID for features and bundles
- Martin: Branding in About Dlg comes from branding bundle that has the same ID as the feature (but there's workarounds)
- John: many small addons consist of just a single bundle (and feature)... makes no sense to require different ID's
- RESOLUTION enforcing different ID's can't be a best practice.
git and IP logs
- git and IP logs
- Updated IP logs to extract contributor information from git (using the "Author" field - Development Resources/Handling Git Contributions)
- Might lead to some duplication in the IP log in the beginning ..
- Asking Project leads to review the IP log for correctness
- git queries are expensive, so results are cached and only an "update" is made when generating again
- background process runs every couple days to clean up
- If something is missing, either contact Wayne or wait a couple days.
- Recommendation to include the bug number in the commit message for linking contribution to bug
- Still need the bug today (for the legal statement), but may not need to iplog+ ... will be replaced by Gerrit when it's running.
- What's the easiest way to fix the "Author" info?
- Tom: Amend Commit is easiest
- John: egit has a field in the commit comment to enter the Author
- Tom: For patches there's two formats, one with Author info / the other not.
- Wayne: Make sure the Author is set, then you get the IP log for free
- Deletions can now count as contributions too
- Updated IP logs to extract contributor information from git (using the "Author" field - Development Resources/Handling Git Contributions)
Board / EMO Updates
- Wayne: Updates from the Board and EMO
- Working with Nathan re-imagine the development portal eg default website - early stages of implementation right now, going to open bugs
- Long-term support ... EMO posted a job description, looking for an EMO staff member to do releng
- Gerrit: Denis actively working on it, keeping updates on bug 283749
- John: bug 340067 port SWT to GTK3
- Anyone's welcome to participate
- Andrew: EAC get-together at EclipseCon Europe
- Arrange on the mailinglist
Action Items
- Cleaned up old action items, see Architecture Council/Meetings/February 10 2011 for old stuff
- (old) Martin to add Eclipsecon meeting notes onto the wiki
- (old) Tim write up an initial wiki page with information for people to standardize on the tracing API
- Martin revise the AC Wiki to make it easier to find the New Member Process. More links on homepage. More usage of categories.
- Martin bug 315210 Make the AC mailing list open / moderated