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Architecture Council/Meetings/March 14 2013
Meeting Title: | Architecture Council Monthly Meeting |
Date & Time: | Thursday March 14, 2013 at 1500 UTC / 0800 SFO / 1100 Ottawa / 1500 London / 1600 Berlin attention DST change![]() ![]() |
Dial-in: | Let's use the Foundation's Asterisk setup for this call:
Participant conference extension: 701 then enter pin: 51968
All AC Members are invited.
- PMC Reps please confirm attendance or list your delegate below. Every PMC is required to name a primary and backup delegate, and to ensure that one delegate attends the meeting.
BIRT: | |
DTP: | |
Eclipse: | |
John Arthorne |
Modeling: | Ed Merks | Eike Stepper |
Mylyn: | Steffen Pingel | |
RT: | Christian Campo | Tom Watson Ian Bull |
SOA: | |
Marc Dutoo |
Technology: | |
Tools: | Doug Schaefer | |
WTP: | Chuck Bridgham | Neil Hauge |
All Attendees
- Signed-Up: Chris Aniszczyk, John Arthorne, Chuck Bridgham, Ian Bull, Christian Campo, Marc Dutoo, Neil Hauge, Achim Loerke, Ed Merks, Martin O, Andrew Overholt, Steffen Pingel, Doug Schaefer, Michael Scharf, Eike Stepper, Krum Tsvetkov, Tom Watson, David Williams
- Regrets: Wayne Beaton, Benjamin Cabé, Doug Clarke, Brian Payton, Gunnar Wagenknecht
- No-Show: Boris Bokowski, Nick Boldt, Cédric Brun, Dave Carver, Linda Chan, Sebastien Gandon, Kenn Hussey, Mik Kersten, Markus Knauer, Mike Milinkovich, Kim Moir, Adrian Mos, Mary Ruddy, Tom Schindl, Mike Wilson
Agenda / Notes
- Feel free to edit, but not during the call!
Review of Last Meeting
- Architecture Council/Meetings/February 14 2013
- Still open items moved to #Action_Items
New Topics
- Problems dialing into German access number
- Martin: EclipseCon 2013 AC Meeting
- Sunday all-hands + Breakfast (AI Martin schedule for Tuesday)
- Martin: bug 397896 EPP classic package
How To Contribute Docs
- Krum bug 397644 How to contribute docs, where to host them and how to publish ?
- Where to make it visible ?
- Suggestion to add to the PMI, Wayne commented on the bug
- Martin suggestion: Add 1 link "AC Recommendations" to the Development Resources
- AI All Review the Architecture_Council/Contributor Guide Recommendation and improve it in the Wiki or comment on the bug
- AI Martin Ask Wayne to link against the Development Resources
Logging Policy
- Martin: bug 358968 Policy for configuring Logging systems (like slf4j, commons logging, log4j, logback, ...) in Eclipse
- Mylyn disables commons logging
- bug 400027 m2e configures logback as null logger for similar reasons;
- Handle on EPP level ?
- Martin: OK with plugins (like Mylyn) disabling logging of downstream components by default;
- Allow re-enabling logging from the outside eg via System Property
- Document how to re-enable it (eg via System Property / Eclipse.ini
- Steffen: Became aware that Microsoft had issues with Mylyn disabling logging by default
- Request is for a standardized way to enable or disable logging
- Michael: Common Preference ?
- If a plugin wants logging and another does not, who should win ? - Cannot assign priorities on plugin level
- Steffen agrees that logging should be disabled by default on plugin level
- Recommendation:
- Steffen: Provide common default implementations for disabling logging ?
- Those would have to live in Orbit, since logging impls live in Orbit ...
- Steffen: Provide common default implementations for disabling logging ?
AI Steffen comment on the bug with proposed resolution + idea to provide default implementations for disabling
LTS Updates
- Martin: LTS updates - see this message, interesting information in the thread
- John: How would version numbers work in LTS ?
- Company's own branches vs canonical branch ?
- Level of testing - how are decisions made what changes flow back into the common branch ?
- Last Econ's LTS meeting was very introductory and didn't go as deep as we'd like ... maybe schedule a BoF for a follow-up meeting
- Unsure about current state ... there's now, but are there even build machines
- Martin: As a project lead, I need to know when LTS adopts changes; since my customers might have an LTS stream and I need to know when my own plugins won't work on LTS due to a version conflict
- John: People in the Field should know some policies
- Martin: Maybe at least publish the LTS version numbers publicly (while the bits are private)
- Publish notes of details, might get potentially interested companies more interested
AI Martin Point Andrew Ross to these questions
e4 API Graduation
- Any other notices for M6 / EclipseCon ?
- John: Eclipse Platform 4 is finalizing new e4 API and it's going into M6
- Adopters please review the API and check if it meets your requirements
- Meant to be a "usable subset" of the full API; some advanced concepts are not graduating yet and remain provisional
- Report feedback or gaps; internals you're using that didn't make it into API; there's still some (but limited time!)
- Most e4 API unchanged compared to Juno - mostly cleanup and docs only, removed / broke / changed things only where absolutely necessary. Therefore, an e4 application that's built against Kepler should typically run on Juno too !
- John: Eclipse Platform 4 is finalizing new e4 API and it's going into M6
General Topics
- Eclipse Infrastructure - git, Gerrit, Maven, Hudson, Bugzilla, ...
- Updates from the Board or the EMO
- Ed: bug 401236 CLA's and git signed-off-by improvements for automatic tracking
- IP Committee working on some other things that might life easier for committers, but can't talk about details yet
- 250-line restriction ... and ways around it like splitting into multiple commits
- Github: Pulling contributions; external contributions
- Martin: Fork granularity - what if I want to fork a single plugin only, do I have to fork the whole repo ?
- Tom: Maintaining the fork is much easier by forking the repo (rebase and keep up-to-date)
- Use forked repo as a submodule of consumer if desired
- Martin: Fork granularity - what if I want to fork a single plugin only, do I have to fork the whole repo ?
- Ian: Reminder to vote for the Board
Action Items
- Cleaned up old action items, see Architecture Council/Meetings/February 10 2011 for old stuff
- (old) Martin to add Eclipsecon meeting notes onto the wiki
- (old) Tim write up an initial wiki page with information for people to standardize on the tracing API
- (old) Martin revise the AC Wiki to make it easier to find the New Member Process. More links on homepage. More usage of categories.
- (old) Martin bug 315210 Make the AC mailing list open / moderated