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Architecture Council/Meetings/June 13 2013
Meeting Title: | Architecture Council Monthly Meeting |
Date & Time: | Thursday June 13, 2013 at 1500 UTC / 0800 SFO / 1100 Ottawa / 1600 London / 1700 Berlin attention DST change![]() ![]() |
Dial-in: | Let's use the Foundation's Asterisk setup for this call:
Participant conference extension: 701 then enter pin: 51968
All AC Members are invited.
- PMC Reps please confirm attendance or list your delegate below. Every PMC is required to name a primary and backup delegate, and to ensure that one delegate attends the meeting.
BIRT: | |
</strike>Wenbin He</strike> |
DTP: | Brian Payton | Linda Chan |
Eclipse: | |
Modeling: | |
Mylyn: | Steffen Pingel | |
RT: | |
SOA: | |
Technology: | Gunnar Wagenknecht | Wayne Beaton |
Tools: | Doug Schaefer | |
WTP: | |
Neil Hauge |
All Attendees
- Regrets: Benjamin Cabe, Markus Knauer, Andrew Overholt, Eike Stepper (joined late)
- Signed-Up: Wayne Beaton, Linda Chan, Neil Hauge, Ken Hussey, Achim Loerke, Mike Milinkovich, Martin O, Steffen Pingel, Michael Scharf, Doug Schaefer, Krum Tsvetkov, Gunnar Wagenknecht, David Williams
- No-Show: Chris Aniszczyk, John Arthorne, Boris Bokowski, Nick Boldt, Chuck Bridgham, Cédric Brun, Ian Bull, Christian Campo, Dave Carver, Doug Clarke, Sebastien Gandon, Mik Kersten, Ed Merks, Kim Moir, Adrian Mos, Brian Payton, Mary Ruddy, Tom Schindl, Tom Watson, Mike Wilson
Agenda / Notes
- Feel free to edit, but not during the call!
Review of Last Meeting
- Architecture Council/Meetings/May 16 2013
- Still open items moved to #Action_Items
New Topics
Contributor License Agreements (CLA's)
- MikeM: Going Live next Tuesday (June 17th) with the ability to register a CLA with
- Going Live Thursday June 27th with enforcing CLA's (commit hooks on Git / Gerrit)
- Contribution will be kicked out if the Author doesn't have a CLA on file
- Docs being written right now - been stable on a staging server
- Before enforcement goes live: Can ask contributors to provide CLA on Bugzilla
- DavidW: Who has to fill out a CLA ?
- Anybody who's not a committer and wants to give any code to
- Committers who want to contribute to another project
- Rather than asking the "3 questions" ask for the CLA
- CLA's have a lifetime of 3 years
- CLA is drafted as "generic" to work with dual/multi-licensed projects, so committers are not required pointing to contributors to unusual licensing (but it may be courtesy to others of course)
- When pushing to git (or gerrit), each commit in the push is inspected for CLA on file for the Author, and proper signed-off-by flag.
- "Belts and Suspenders" : Commit needs both, the Author field and the Signed-off-by flag.
Kepler Release
- DLTK: Late ripple ... should PC have been stricter ?
EDP Modifications
- Some whining from projects how much effort the review docs are
- Walking through the release review docs, Wayne would love to see "This is what the release is all about" ... like
General Topics
- Eclipse Infrastructure - git, Gerrit, Maven, Hudson, Bugzilla, ...
- Wayne: Bugzilla Component for AC
- Default Assignee is ""
- AC members can "watch"
- Intended behavior is that the mailing list is notified of NEW issues or FIXED issues, but not about every comment ... seems broken
- AI Wayne check the behavior, and investigate
- Wayne: Test Instance of CLA request for Testing
- Updates from the Board or the EMO
- Desire to simplify the process
Action Items
- Cleaned up old action items, see Architecture Council/Meetings/February 10 2011 for old stuff
- (old) Tim write up an initial wiki page with information for people to standardize on the tracing API
- (old) Martin revise the AC Wiki to make it easier to find the New Member Process. More links on homepage. More usage of categories.
- (old) Martin bug 315210 Make the AC mailing list open / moderated