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The integration and interconnection of tools is needed in order to support collaboration between all relevant business processes of an enterprise for example interactions with customers, suppliers and partners. Furthermore the interoperability aspect between tools integrated in such an environment is getting more and more crucial for successful and efficient product engineering. The main technical challenge in addressing this problem is the lack of open and common interoperability technologies supported by the different tools that generate and provide access to the information, and of the underlying IT infrastructure, whether these are based on open source custom-built solutions or COTS products.
Interoperability can be defined as the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged [IEEE610]. With respect to software tools and engineering platforms used in product lifecycle, interoperability can be defined as the capability of different tools to share information over an agreed set of data formats and communication protocols. The Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) is an open community with the objective to create specifications of how tools, involved in different engineering lifecycles, can be integrated to exchange data and information. Examples of such lifecycle oriented tools are requirements management tools, defect tracking tools, change management tools, testing tools, and so forth. Workgroups specify a common vocabulary for the lifecycle artefacts needed to support an integration scenario for a given lifecycle domain based on a OSLC Core. The tool integration technologies are based on open and standard Web technologies like REST, RDF and HTTP. Furthermore OSLC has adopted the W3C Linked Data approach to link information, in order to achieve full traceability.
- Describe scenarios of interoperability
- Ideas from Pierre
- Work with Parham
- Work with Mathieu, Daniel and Benoît from Thales