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Aperi Development Status Meeting 12/03/07
Aperi Wiki Home Aperi Meetings Aperi Development Meetings
Brocade (John Crandall), IBM (Chris King, Dave Wolfe, Hans Lin, Ramani Routray, Russ Warren, Steven Bennett, Todd Singleton, Tom Guinane,), LSI (Jenny Monesson)
- Project Leader Notes:
- Third Party Contribution Questionnaires
- Tracking file
- At the moment, the only active item is CCLog. Tom working with developer.
- When a third party piece of code is approved by the Eclipse legal team, it is approved for use by the entire project. Any component can use it.
- So, given Xerces 2.8.0 has been approved for Aperi use, the SAN Simulator can use the org.xml.sax jar.
- Todd has included this jar in the builds. Chris can remove references to it in the install instructions.
- Todd will modify the build scripts so files are not deleted, only the Sun WBEM files.
- Road map planning
- Approved Road map
- There was an Aperi marketing meeting last Thursday. Most of the discussion focused on where we go from here. There will be a kickoff in the first couple of weeks in January to discuss the work we want to do in 2008. Russ will post the minutes later this week to the Community Meetings page and/or Aperi blog.
- Third Party Contribution Questionnaires
- Release Engineer Notes (Todd):
- Build status
- Todd will post a new build for both SRM and SAN Simulator today.
- SAN Simulator contribution
- Build status
- Aperi Downloads:
- Latest stats
- Stat tool was down over the weekend. Tom will generate new numbers today.
- We had 284 Aperi downloads in the month of November, 124 on just R0.3 alone. This brings our total to 1713 total downloads:
- Aperi webinar 219 views
- Latest stats
- Development items/issues:
- Nothing today.
- Test Status
- The 42 remaining TC’s are for the SAN Simulator only. All SRM TC’s have been exposed.
- Aperi R0.4 Open Defects - by priority & severity
- Aperi Total Open Defects - by priority & severity
- 172223 maj P2 Wind NEW DB2 BigDecimal conversion exception when running probe of storage subsystem
- Dave: SRM will eventually crash with DB2 8. Tested with DB2 9 all weekend and never had a problem.
- DB2 8 does not support Java 1.5
- Hans having JDK/JRE issues with the SAN Simulator
- Dave to run parallel Regression with SRM on DB2 9.5.
- Hans to complete SAN Simulator testing
- Chris to update install doc & remove bad link to DB2 8.1 – will state code works with 9.5 and point to generic DB2 page
- 211622 maj P2 Wind NEW The snapshot based simulation job hang without competition
- Error running snapshot simulation with default MOF file.
- 211661 maj P2 Wind NEW CIMOM discovery of Configuration based simulation for Brocade Switches yielded no switches discovered
- Cannot verify this function with Aperi because it does not have the SMI-S fabric discovery code. SBLIM Ecute CIM Explorer can do this.
- Start Simulator and verify CIM agent has started and check # of ports have been created.
- Ramani to help Hans set up ability to test with Ecute.
- 211681 maj P2 Wind NEW Error occurred while compiling MOFs during snapshot-based simulation
- Error running snapshot simulation without default MOF file.
- 172223 maj P2 Wind NEW DB2 BigDecimal conversion exception when running probe of storage subsystem
- Robert Wipfel completed Linux regression test.
- Robert’s issues: Seem like currency problems, but working as designed at this point.
- The R0.4 plan from this point on (12/03/07):
- Todd to rebuild SRM and SAN Simulator today.
- Ramani and Hans to work on remaining 3 SAN Simulator defects.
- Dave to pick up IDVT TC’s and run regression (using DB2 9.5) this week.
- Hans to continue testing SAN Simulator this week.
- Chris to make any last updates to docs
- Tom to set up daily early morning checkpoints with team to keep an eye focused on our 12/7 delivery date.
- Test Status
- ID:
- Install Instructions: out for review. The only current issue is DB2 link link.
- Release Notes: out for review
- User's Guide: complete. Need to generate a PDF version (HTML is out there)
- Updated the SAN Simulator install instructions.
- Project Schedule:
- Latest Schedule.
- Updates made in the schedule.
- Latest Schedule.
- Action Items:
Item | Owner | Target | Status |
Obtain two mentors | Tom | 12/21/07 | Per new development process rules, we need to obtain two project mentors. Harm Sluiman is one. Tom is searching for additional candidate. Back in the search for mentor #2. If anyone has any recommendations, please inform Tom. |
Document Control | Tom | 12/19/07 | Write up text for Aperi document control. |
Lessons Learned Follow-up | Tom | 12/12/07 | Put results of Lessons Learned meeting for R0.3 into a table on the wiki with corresponding action items |
cvs download statistics | Tom | 12/05/07 | Investigate if we can get any numbers for our source code downloads. |
- Open Forum:
- Other:
- Next Meeting - 12/10/07 (may be last meeting of the year)
- Management Developers Conference
- Eclipse DemoCamp
- Palo Alto - DLA Piper
- Mountain View – Google
- EclipseCon 2008
- EclipseCon 2008 will be held March 17-20 in Santa Clara, CA.
- Aperi abstracts submitted:
- SAN Simulator - #437 (Ramani)
- Aperi: Open Storage Management - #479 (Tom)
- Important Dates:
- December 10th - Tutorials, Long Talks, and Short Talks chosen.
- January 19th - Submissions open for posters and BOFs