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Aperi Development Status Meeting 08/06/07

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Brocade (John Crandall), IBM (Brenda Haynes, Chris King, Dave Wolfe, Dhiwakar Mani, Hans Lin, Rodica Ciurea, Simona Constantin, Steven Bennett, Todd Singleton, Tom Guinane), LSI (Jenny Monesson),


  • Project Leader Notes:
    • Aperi webinar
      • Our July 11 webcast has been posted to EclipseLive
      • It is currently the first one under the ‘Most Recent’ category. It should remain in that category for a week or so until it gets bumped by more recent postings. After that, you can find it here: This will give us exposure to a much larger audience and Eclipse Live automatically counts the number of views. The Aperi home page as been changed to direct people to the Eclipse Live page
      • 75 views as of 08/06/07 8:45 am
    • SAN Simulator contribution
      • With the imminent loading of the SAN Simulator code into our cvs libraries, we need to start thinking about the items we need to do to contribute and manage a new component as well as tracking this new component in our status meeting.
      • Brainstorming of the items we need to do:
        • SAN Simulator team has renamed packages and copyright statements
        • Craig has volunteered to load the code into cvs – location an issue?
          • Where will the code be located?
        • Build, configuration and install
        • Testing
        • Download page - new section
        • Documentation review – installation and user documentation
        • Enhancements – planned by contributors as well as identified by Aperi team and users
        • Need to create a new Bugzilla component
        • Hold a design and architecture review/code review
        • Provide a product overview & demo
        • Discussed the idea of an Aperi super project with SAN Simulator and SRM components/bundles
          • Look at other projects and how they handle this
      • Restructure a section in the meeting to track all of these items – integrate into our schedule
    • Third Party Contribution Questionnaires
      • None this week
    • Process reviews
      • We have not been following one of our processes. We had agreed that our committer community would vote on our code contributions. We have not been doing this. We need to get back to this for components and milestone releases.
    • Current Critical bugs
      • We need to review this list each week. Tom to add to the high priority and high severity defects to the agenda.
      • Also need to look at backlog defects and enhancement Bugzillas
    • LinuxWorld
      • Aperi is participating in the Eclipse booth in the .Org Pavillion in the Exhibit Hall at LinuxWorld (Aug. 7 - Aug. 9) in San Francisco.
      • The following folks will be at LinuxWorld:
Time Tuesday, Aug. 7 Wednesday, Aug. 8 Thursday, Aug. 9
10:00 – 12:00 Tom Guinane Robert Wipfel Todd Singleton
2:00 – 3:30 Tom Guinane Alex Danoyan (to 4:00)
  • Release Engineer Notes (Todd):
    • Build status
      • New Interim Build – hopefully this will address the GUI issues. Hans to download and test to verify
    • Europa migration status:
      • If we fix the GUI issues with this latest build, we can claim Europa support
      • Discussed that Milestone 1 will contain Europa support as well as the new installer. We intend to make this happen within the next two weeks.
      • There is a walkthrough of phase 1 of the installer on Wednesday
  • Aperi Downloads:
    • Latest stats
    • Statistics are from last week. Eclipse is experiencing problems with their servers and has disabled the download counting tool for the last week. It is still down today.
  • ID:
    • Online help issue: Eclipse based or Java help based?
    • ID plan for R4
    • Will start looking at online help for R0.4
    • Jasper link from install instructions – Tom and Dhiwakar to address
    • Need to recode all calls to help – find/replace and test about a PM of work – resolve jh.jar – Java Help download
  • Action Items:
Item Owner Target Status
Obtain two mentors Tom 8/15/07 Per new development process rules, we need to obtain two project mentors. Tom has started a list of [ potential mentor names. Harm Sluiman has agreed to be out mentor. Tom talked to Harm a few weeks ago. Tom is searching for additional candidate.
Aperi Forum Tom 7/19/07 Suggested by Javier. Investigate setting up forums for Aperi communication. Looked into Basic function was there, but the administration was complex and general use did not seem intuitive. Looked into Friendly, easy to use, familiar to more forum users. Also includes a chat tool. Set up a sample forum Take a look and provide feedback. Would like to set up an Aperi forum there.
Document Control Tom 7/31/07 Write up text for Aperi document control.
Lessons Learned Follow-up Tom 8/03/07 Put results of Lessons Learned meeting for R0.3 into a table on the wiki with corresponding action items
cvs download statistics Tom 7/31/07 Investigate if we can get any numbers for our source code downloads.
  • Open Forum:
  • Other:
    • Web conferenceing:
      • Free version easy to use, cross platform, Linux, Mac and Windows, but limited to 10 participants and instant meetings, so not for large meetings. Easy to set up and invite people to join an instant meeting.
    • Next Meeting - 8/13/07
    • Tom is out the rest of this week

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