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Aperi Development Status Meeting 06/18/07
Aperi Wiki Home Aperi Meetings Aperi Development Meetings
Brocade (John Crandall), IBM (Chris King, Christoph Reichert, Dave Wolfe, Hans Lin, Rodica Ciurea, Simona Constantin, Steven Lieske Bennett, Todd Singleton, Tom Guinane), LSI (Jenny Monesson),
- Project Leader Notes:
- R0.3 install w/o Eclipse SDK or default development environment
- Seems to be working fine. Hans tested download as a unique user and it worked well.
- Aperi webcast
- Webcast team working on individual pieces. Target date now July 11.
- SAN Simulator contribution
- Third Party Contribution Questionnaires
- Numerous IPZilla updates - Tom will process and provide team with updates.
- R0.3 install w/o Eclipse SDK or default development environment
- Release Engineer Notes (Todd):
- Build status:
- Dave put out a proposal for build and test last week
- Labeling system – format cannot work with cvs – will have to modify slightly
- Build status:
- Aperi Downloads
- Latest stats
- Currently at 871
- R0.3 incubation had a total of 114
- R0.3.1 incubation has 39 downloads since June 7th
- Project Schedule:
- Latest Schedule
- Updates made in the schedule
- Vacation time – if you know it, please forward to Tom so those dates are booked out for you
- Test Status
- Hans to get with Tom this week to build a more detailed schedule
- ID
- Chris working on online help issue: Eclipse based or Java help based?
- Action Items
Item | Owner | Target | Status |
Obtain two mentors | Tom | 4/30/07 | Per new development process rules, we need to obtain two project mentors from the Eclipse Architecture Council. The AC is listed here: but Tom has asked Bjorn for larger candidate list. Bjorn is building a list. Tom has started a list of potential mentor names. Tom has recommended two individuals from the list; Harm Sluiman, and Darren Swanson and asked for comments. Harm tentatively accepted. He has asked Tom to do a background check on him. Darren’s work with the board prevents his participation (time). Tom will look into some others. |
- Open Forum
- Other: Tom was out last week and the items below were not addressed. He will look at this week and reply back to team on Monday.
- Web meetings
- Aperi forum
- Document Control
- Follow-on release planning
- Lessons Learned follow up
- Next Meeting, 6/25/07