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Aperi Development Status Meeting 05/21/07

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IBM (Brenda Haynes, Craig Laverone, Chris King, Christoph Reichert, Greg McBride, Simona Constantin, Todd Singleton, Tom Guinane), LSI (Jenny Monesson), Yotta Yotta (Javier Lozano)


  • Project Leader Notes:
    • R0.3 Release
      • It took a couple of days, but we finally sorted out the third party code - the binaries we include, the automatic downloads in cgfgaperi, and the items that needed to be documented in the install instructions. The new build was posted to Eclipse and installed and tested on both Windows and Linux. The web page was updated to point to the new download.
      • Notes were sent out on aperi-dev and aperi-news that Release 0.3 of Aperi is now available for download at:
      • Install instructions are available from the same page, or at
      • Please download it and let us know what you think!
      • A big thanks to Todd, Craig and Chris for the last minute frantic updates and everyone on the team, many of which are not here today, but did an awesome job in putting Release 3 together. THANKS!
    • WELCOME to Yotta Yotta as a participating Aperi community member!
    • Please take a look at the Aperi webcast material. Allen Marin has asked for your comments and will be going forward with a plan soon.
    • The Aperi Community will hold the next Community Marketing call on Thursday May 24th at 5pm ET/2pm PT.
      • Call in Info:
        • Toll Free: 877-421-0040
        • International: 770-615-1256
        • Passcode: 800415
      • Proposed Agenda items:
        • Discuss and plan next steps for June Aperi Webcast
        • Discuss and make decision on LinuxWorld (Aug 6-9th) Opportunities via Eclipse and SNIA
        • Update and discussion on SNIA Alliance activities
      • Everyone is welcome. Please let Brenda know if you have other items for the agenda.
    • SAN Simulator contribution
      • An Eclipse Contribution Questionnaire has been created and the code submitted to Eclipse for pedigree review. Tom will keep the group posted on Eclipse Legal process.
  • Release Engineer Notes (Todd):
    • Build status:
      • Build is working well
      • Todd plas to post a build every week on the web site. Todd will send an email to aperi-dev when the builds are posted. We will evaluate the frequency of these builds as time goes on and we get feedback from the community and adjust accordingly.
  • Aperi Downloads
    • Latest stats
      • There was a spike last week from Malaysia, not sure why.
      • Now that release 0.3 is out, counts will include them as well. So far, there was 16 downloads of R0.3 since Friday.
  • Project Schedule:
    • Latest Schedule Updates made in the file.
    • R0.4:
      • Christoph completed the article for Linux New Media AG article and submitted it last week. They were very excited about it. It is targeted to come out in a special edition around the beginning of June. He will forward the URL when it comes out. Christoph will also take a stab at translating the article when he has time.
  • IDVT
    • Test Status
    • IDVT was completed on 5/15 and Hans issued an exit memo. Tom will post the memo to the wiki.
  • ID
  • Action Items
Item Owner Target Status
Third Party Dependency Questionnaire Tom ongoing Questionnaires submitted 9/6. - Utilizing the IP Log to track the individual IPZilla entries for each Third Party Contribution Questionnaire. Tom has submitted CQ’s for R0.3, however, in discussions with Eclipse legal, some modifications need to be made. See IP Log for new updates on this.
Obtain two mentors Tom 4/30/07 Per new development process rules, we need to obtain two project mentors from the Eclipse Architecture Council. The AC is listed here: but Tom has asked Bjorn for larger candidate list. Bjorn is building a list. Tom has started a list of potential mentor names. Tom has recommended two individuals from the list; Harm Sluiman, and Darren Swanson and asked for comments. There were none, so Tom will contact these folks to see if they will take us on.

Investigate technology to run the webcast and demo Tom 4/9/07 Currently investigating three companies:

WebEx ON24 Readytalk Getting quotes for a Single 1 hour presentation (PP slides and demo) Q & A session (moderated) 1-3 speakers 25 - 50 attendees playback available afterward Tom has contacted all three companies. The results of the investigation are located here on the wiki: Webcast Options. Need assistance with demo. Looking for volunteers. COMPLETE

Linux New Media AG article Christoph  ? Christoph has sent out a draft for the team to review. Please look at it and respond on aperi-dev. Christoph has created the draft of the Linux article. It needs to be submitted to the magazine by Wednesday. COMPLETE
  • Open Forum
  • Other:
    • Marketing meeting – Thrusday
    • New committer proposal - Robert Wipfel, from Novell, has been invaluable to the Aperi project this last release. He has made a number of contributions to the code, tested and fixed the Linux platform installation and configuration for us, demoed the code at several conferences, and is considered one of our technical leaders. Tom is proposing Robert as an Aperi committer. The team will use the new Eclipse portal to cast their votes. Tom will send out instructions.
    • Next Monday is a holiday (Memorial Day) in the U.S., so there will be no meeting. The next meeting will be on Monday, June 4th
    • Meeting day and time options – looking at alternative day and time options for this meeting to allow for others to join.
      • Tuesdays and Thursdays are bad for Simona
      • Christoph cannot make a Friday
      • Nobody objected to moving the meeting up one hour to start at 8:00 am on Monday morning.
    • Web meetings – Javier proposed we utilize a web meeting tool, such as DimDim ( as an option for Web meetings - its free and really easy to use. The community did not have any negative comments. Tom will look into it.
    • Aperi forum – Javier was also wondering if the team has considered opening a forum for users and developersForums have provided valuable support to development projects. Besides user segmentation, a knowledge base is created by the users and for the users. There is also a free forum tool: The community seemed open to this idea. Tom will look into this as well.
      • Reminder that Dave is looking into an IRC Channel as well
    • Follow-on release planning
      • Please start thinking about your requirements for the next Aperi release. We will discuss this at a meeting within the next two weeks.
    • Document Control
      • Tom will start working on it this week.
    • Lessons Learned follow up
      • Items captured last week will be placed into a wiki document. Tom will review and create any needed action items and discuss/review with the team.

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