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Aperi Development Status Meeting 05/07/07
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Brocade (John Crandall), IBM (Craig Laverone, Chris King, Christoph Reichert, Dave Wolfe, Greg McBride, Hans Lin, Rodica Ciurea, Simona Constantin, Todd Singleton, Tom Guinane), LSI (Jenny Monesson)
- Project Leader Notes:
- Aperi webcast planning meeting to be held on Wednesday, 5/9 at 11:00am Eastern, 8:00am Pacific
- An append went out to the aperi-dev and aperi-news community asking for feedback on format and content. We could use a little more feedback. It would be helpful to have a few more opinions on this going into the call. Give it 5 minutes of thought and please send a response.
- SAN Simulator contribution:
- We have a request for another code contribution. The IBM Research folks have been working on a storage area network (SAN) simulator tool, which can be used for testing storage resource management solutions, and they would like to contribute it to the Aperi Storage Management project.
- This 'SAN Simulator' simulates a storage area network environment through software. The simulator will allow the user to create a SAN configuration, add devices to the SAN, create arbitrary connections between devices and remove connections between devices. Since most devices today expose their services through a CIMOM, the simulator will create CIM instances based on user specifications. The simulator will generate various profiles defined by the SNIA. The SAN Simulator would add support in the test area of our Aperi Storage Management Project and would allow us to test against various vendors devices (that have their model changes incorporated into the simulator).
- The simulator uses a CIM/SMI-S standard model. There is a database with a very simple schema to store the management information of a device. There are two approaches in which CIM based information of a device is persisted into the database: 1) generated by the SAN Simulator based on user specification or 2) copied into the database via the snapshot mechanism of SAN Simulator. Once the data is available in the database, it is manipulated in the database based on CIM requests. These providers are pluggable into any popular open source CIMOM.
- The SAN Simulator and the providers are written in Java. The CIMOM used is the Sun Java WBEM CIMOM. Either DB2 or Derby can be used as the database. A tool is also included to assist the user install and drive through the steps. It is approximately 10K lines of code.
- Does anyone in the community have an objection to this contribution?
- Simona mentioned that she had tried to use the SAN Simulator and the documentation was not complete. It turns out that she was using a tool from alphaWorks and it is not the tool in question here.
- If there are no issues with this contribution by end of business on Wednesday, May 9th, the Eclipse process for contributing code will be started.
- Aperi webcast planning meeting to be held on Wednesday, 5/9 at 11:00am Eastern, 8:00am Pacific
- Release Engineer Notes (Todd):
- Build status:
- Dave mentioned that we need to put together a process around builds for IDVT. *** LESSONS LEARNED ITEM*** During IDVT, we need to have one person responsible for the builds and a quick ‘acceptance’ test needs to be done for each platform. The goal would be to create scripst to do automatic builds and then automatic installs on all operating systems to bring the product up. Then, an automatic note would be sent to the coordinator or the mailing list with the status. We should implement this for R0.4. Dave would also like to see more formality around our release processes. Tom to add a task for R0.4 for this for a couple of PW’s.
- Craig said we need to upload builds to a nightly server – get Robert’s build. Need to remove Jaas and javahelp
- Build status:
- Aperi Downloads
- Latest stats Seems to going back to normal weekly trend.
- Project Schedule:
- Latest Schedule Updates made in the file.
- Development activites:
- R0.3:
- Sample Reports – Dave will create them. Not a requirement for IDVT exit. Tom to put in the schedule and a date from Dave.
- R0.4:
- Todd: no update on WEF status as Fujitsu contact was on vacation. He will try and contact him this week.
- Status of access to NetApp devices for R0.4 NAS work (Simona/Hans)
- Simona obtained access to devices. Has started testing and successfully ran a discovery.
- Simona completed task 202, Implement Correlation, when she was doing the porting work. So, she asked to have task 201, Perform testing, realigned with the end of 202, 6/6/07.
- Christoph’s Fabric and Switch support work is about 60%. As he will be working on the Linux magazine article, this will interfere with this task.
- John Crandall will talk to Prasenjit to verify some items this week and then work with Tom to get his tasks inserted into the schedule.
- Rodica has started on the NAS profile work and is 25% complete with item 204, Design DB Changes.
- Test Status
- Thanks to Dave, Todd & Craig's efforts, we finally had a build (at Friday 3:30pm) which can be tested for both Derby & DB2 on windows platform. Hans is focusing on windows first and plans to start on Linux on Tuesday.
- Hans was only able to expose 14 out of 34 BIRT viewer testcases given the build timing, but he thinks we should be able to finish it by the end of next week.
- Key defects:
- 176657 - Filesystem probe causes si_signo=11 on SUSE 10 (maj)
- Craig to ask Robert to verify.
- 185197 - Unable to paginate reports using BIRT report viewer
- this works for Dave, but not for Hans - Dave to assist Hans with this
- 185765 - aperi-20070506-212356: gui.bat launches legacy GUI not new GUI
- This looks like a configuration issue. Dave to address.
- 176657 - Filesystem probe causes si_signo=11 on SUSE 10 (maj)
- Tom asked about the increase in defects for last week. Hans said they were mainly integration bugs and were resolved quickly. The large green bar on the defect chart reflects that these were closed.
- Hans suggested that he and Tom review the IDVT reporting charts after R0.3 to make sure they are conveying the needed information. Tom agreed that we could improve our IDVT reporting. This was recorded as a *** LESSONS LEARNED ITEM*** and Tom will add to the list.
- ID
- Release Notes for 0.3
- The installation instructions for Aperi v0.3 are available for review at: These installation instructions provide information about:
- Planning for Aperi
- Installing Aperi files (including third-party files)
- Configuring Aperi
- Starting and shutting down Aperi
- Uninstalling Aperi
- Performing post-installation configuration (wih the new Configuration Utility)
- Comments, suggestions, and edits are welcome for both. You can respond through or by filing a bug report.
- Action Items
Item | Owner | Target | Status |
Third Party Dependency Questionnaire | Tom | ongoing | Questionnaires submitted 9/6. - Utilizing the IP Log to track the individual IPZilla entries for each Third Party Contribution Questionnaire. See IP Log for new updates on this. |
Obtain two mentors | Tom | 4/30/07 | Per new development process rules, we need to obtain two project mentors from the Eclipse Architecture Council. The AC is listed here: but Tom has asked Bjorn for larger candidate list. Bjorn is building a list. Tom has started a list of potential mentor names. Please take a look. Tom asked for other names. We will pick this up after R0.3 ships. |
Investigate technology to run the webcast and demo | Tom | 4/9/07 | Currently investigating three companies:
WebEx ON24 Readytalk Getting quotes for a Single 1 hour presentation (PP slides and demo) Q & A session (moderated) 1-3 speakers 25 - 50 attendees playback available afterward Tom has contacted all three companies. The results of the investigation are located here on the wiki: Webcast Options. Need assistance with demo. Looking for volunteers. |
Conform to new incubation guidelines <NEW> | Tom | 4/30/07 | The new
new guidelines. Items 1-3 are addressed. Christoph has also renamed the bundles and features so we now comply with items 5 and 6. The only item (4) left to do is put the word ‘incubation’ in our download material. This will be done for 0.3. Do we need to do this retroactively? Tom to ask Eclipse legal. |
Linux New Media AG article | Christoph | ? | Christoph has sent out a draft for the team to review. Please look at it and respond on aprei-dev. |
- Open Forum
- Bugzilla items:
- Dave asked Tom to create component for aperi.reporting. Dave will be the point man for this component.
- Currently we do not populate the version field. Dave suggested to create a list 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, etc. Craig mentioned we had version issues and that the current Aperi version is 5.505. Dave suggested that don’t put anything into this field yet and make this a planning item for V0.4 *** LESSONS LEARNED ITEM ***
- Bugzilla items:
- Other:
- Document Control:
- Item from Aperi Development Architecture/Design meeting
- Address the questions: How do we control documents? Do submissions?
- Consensus - form a committee. Tom asked for volunteers. No takers. *** Chris offered to write up some processes / be on committee.
- Tom will take a stab at this and with the help of Chris will put out for review.
- Should R0.3 go out this week, a Lessons Learned session for 0.3 will be held at the next Monday meeting.
- Next Meeting will be on Monday May 14th
- Document Control: