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Aperi Development Status Meeting 02/04/08

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IBM (Dave Wolfe, Hans Lin, Martine Wedlake, Todd Singleton, Tom Guinane)


  • Project Leader Notes:
    • 'Power of 2 day.' Next occurrence of this is March 9th, 2027
    • 2008 planning (R0.5)
      • Aperi Community Business Call, 1/31, 5:00pm Eastern, to discuss 2008 plan commitments, standards activity, Spring SNW and other business. Agenda
        • Good meeting - slide deck and the minutes are here
          • There is a growing swell in project interest – downloads peaking last three months.
          • The community agreed we should keep the momentum going and support an Aperi booth at the spring Storage Networking World.
          • The 2008 Roadmap is nearing closure. Line item owners are finalizing their support. Per our process, we will vote on the draft roadmap, as soon as closure can be obtained on the line items and their target dates.
          • Martine presented our third community participation activity – standards. He offered three proposals, which were well received. He is getting a very good response on his workgroups, so people are encouraged to sign up.
    • The Eclipse Architecture council has had its second meeting of 2008. Out of this meeting they decided to (re)introduce themselves and their mission to the committers at large.
  • Release Engineer Notes (Todd):
    • Build status
    • Build process
      • The build running on the new environment. Have not posted it to our cvs yet. Still working through some details, but making good progress.
      • Aperi committers to please be aware that a vote on Jerry Williams, who will do our builds, will be posted shortly. His id is lib2. Committers will need to use the Eclipse My Portal to vote.
  • Aperi Downloads:
    • Latest stats
      • New charts have been posted. This is the third month we have experienced over 200 downloads.
      • Although our download numbers are up, the user interaction in the project is not. A discussion broke out on what users were doing with the code and how to reach them (or get them to provide feedback). All our download numbers reflect is the binary downloads. Is there any way to obtain source code download statistics?
      • Dave mentioned that SourceForge provides cvs statistics that can indicate the health of a project. Tom asked the Eclipse webmaster, and Eclipse does not provide any cvs statistics.
      • It is possible that our users do not know what to do after they install the SRM. Maybe if we provide some way to link up the SAN Simulator to the SRM.
      • Ask Allen if we can have a video on how to run Aperi with SAN Simulator so that users can run against a CIMOM and see a much larger storage environment.
    • Aperi webinar 242 views
  • Development items/issues:
    • Should Dave have any need to discuss any technology/architecture items or Martine need time on the agenda for standards discussions, they will inform Tom. This goes for anyone in the community who has a topic to discuss. The agenda is on the wiki and anyone can update it to book time at any meeting.
  • ID:
  • Project Schedule:
    • Latest Schedule.
      • Schedule updated last week.
  • Action Items:
Item Owner Target Status
Obtain two mentors Tom 03/31/08 Per new development process rules, we need to obtain two project mentors. Harm Sluiman is one. ‘’’Tom to talk to potential candidates at EclipseCon in March.’’’
Document Control Tom 01/29/08 Write up text for Aperi document control.
  • Other:
    • Next Meeting 02/11/08
    • EclipseCon 2008
      • EclipseCon 2008, March 17-20 in Santa Clara, CA. Program
      • Accepted Aperi talks:
        • SAN Simulator - Session #437 (Ramani) on Tuesday March 18th, 2008 4:10pm.
        • Aperi: Open Storage Management - Session #479 (Tom) on Wednesday March 19th, 2008 1:40pm.
      • Tom and Ramani need to get their presentations completed and submitted to EclipseCon for inclusion in the program material by 2/17
      • Aperi poster submission: Session #513
        • No word yet
  • Open Forum:

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