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Aperi Development Status Meeting 01/28/08

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IBM (Chris King, Dave Wolfe, Hans Lin, Martine Wedlake, Russ Warren, Todd Singleton, Tom Guinane)


  • Project Leader Notes:
    • 2008 planning (R0.5)
      • 1/24 Aperi Community Technical Call
        • Excellent attendance by community – 7 out of 10 community companies had representatives.
        • Dave Wolfe presented an overview of a proposed architecture for LIC and SSO. It was well received.
      • Aperi Community Business Call, 1/31, 5:00pm Eastern, to discuss 2008 plan commitments, standards activity, Spring SNW and other business. Agenda
    • Aperi delivery nomenclature - milestones, releases, etc. Do we want to go through the release process for R0.4 or the SAN Simulator?
      • This item is in response to the aperi-dev letter from Bjorn our PMO and Committer Chairman
      • After a little discussion, the team agreed to use the release/milestone terminology that Bjorn indicated from this point on. We will leave our current documentation as is.
  • Release Engineer Notes (Todd):
    • Build status
    • Build process
      • Build committer IDs – IDs must be per person for Eclipse legal reasons.
  • Development items/issues:
  • ID:
  • Project Schedule:
  • Action Items:
Item Owner Target Status
Obtain two mentors Tom 03/31/08 Per new development process rules, we need to obtain two project mentors. Harm Sluiman is one. ‘’’Tom to talk to potential candidates at EclipseCon in March.’’’
Document Control Tom 01/29/08 Write up text for Aperi document control.
  • Other:
    • Next Meeting 02/04/08 - 'Power day'
    • EclipseCon 2008
      • EclipseCon 2008, March 17-20 in Santa Clara, CA. Program
      • Approved Aperi talks:
        • SAN Simulator - Session #437 (Ramani) has been scheduled into Room 203/204 on Tuesday March 18th, 2008 4:10pm.
        • Aperi: Open Storage Management - Session #479 (Tom) has been scheduled into Room 209/210 on Wednesday March 19th, 2008 1:40pm.
      • Aperi poster submission Session #513
        • Poster reception is on Wednesday evening after the two Aperi presentations (if the poster is accepted)
  • Open Forum:
    • There may not appear to be much development activity going on in the project. However, this is not he case. There is a lot of background work (architecture, design, prototyping, etc.) in progress to prepare for Release 1 Milestone 5. We want to encourage people to keep showing up to meetings, respond to mailing list posts and read the wiki to stay up to date with the progress and provide feedback.

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