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Agenda and minutes for Community meeting July 31, 2008

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  1. Marketing Topics
  2. Development - Review items and timelines for Aperi M0.5 Slides
  3. Workgroup Update - Slides
    Summary of where we are for the workgroups: Launch in Context Standardisation, Production Ready Task Force and CMDB Integration. In each section we will discuss a quick status, describe the current activities, and provide insight into the next steps that we'll be taking (along with rough milestones)

Key Documents Under Discussion

Aperi Workgroup Status

SNW Planning Dashboard

SNW Sponsorship Agreement

Benefit Charts for Recruiting Vendors

Proposed Document Review and Approval Process


Company Attendees
Brocade Absent
CA Absent
Cisco Absent
Emulex Absent
LSI Absent
Fujitsu Hiroshi Yoshida
IBM Russ Warren, Michelle Lowe, Martine Wedlake, Al Heitman
NetApp Absent
Novell Absent
YottaYotta Absent


Welcome – Russ Warren

  • Russ took roll call and then started the meeting by welcoming all attendees. He discussed planning for Fall SNW. There is an opportunity for Aperi to attend. Russ thinks that it would be worth attending. Russ then went over the agenda for today’s call and then handed it off to Michelle for the Marketing portion.

Marketing - Fall SNW Planning – Michelle Lowe

  • IBM has funding for Aperi Fall SNW. There are several options for a booth. We could put it either with the IBM booth or the Tech Edge booth. Michelle mentioned that we need folks to staff the booth and demos. Russ reported that most of the Aperi member companies are already there and we should request volunteers to work the booth. Michelle elaborated on the tech edge booth which would include a 10 minute speaking slot. The cost would be the same to put the Aperi booth within IBM or have it separate in the tech edge. Hiroshi-san mentioned that it would be better to have it within the Tech Edge since it is open source. Russ suggested we should poll the other member companies to get their opinion.
  • Michelle mentioned the Tivoli Beat article on Aperi:

Development - Review items and timelines for Aperi M0.5 - Al Heitman

  • Refer to Slides
  • Al congratulated Martine Wedlake for his successful election to the Aperi Committers. Al nominated Martine. Al thanked Martine for his Aperi contributions to Aperi and leadership in the workgroups.
  • Al reported that we’re making good progress on the development of the approved roadmap items.
  • Slide 2. This shows a high level overview of the major milestones with respect to the timeline. Al didn’t go into much detail as this has not changed since the last community meeting.
  • Slide 3 shows the development progress and next steps. Al reminded everyone that the Development meetings are every Monday at Noon Eastern, 9AM Pacific. Al reported the SAN Simulator milestone has entered IDVT testing. Al indicated the SSO prototype and sample STS client are complete and now checked into CVS. Al is working with Todd on the parallel IP process. Todd will now focus on updating the existing SRM framework launch points with SSO. This will enable the Aperi partners who want to upgrade their management applications to enable these for SSO. Chris has completed an updated ID plan which should be out for review shortly. Al mentioned a proposed document control process. For the next steps, IBM Research will be completing the SAN Simulator IDVT and code review. Martine is working on an SMIS SCR for LIC extensions. Al is working with the team to define the LIC staged delivery play.
  • Slide 4 shows the key milestones for the updated roadmap. The roadmap was approved back in March. IBM is currently working on a SAN Simulator update. IBM Research both Almaden and the India Pune lab are involved in the IDVT testing of the updates. The milestone details are listed in the backup material. The Launch In Context and Single Sign On architecture and specifications are expected by the end of 2008. Phase 2 is to provide the Aperi community with a LIC/SSO framework and sample application. As Al mentioned, updating the current SRM framework for SSO is the first step for this phase. We are still working on defining the steps to rollout the LIC piece. Phase 3 is to integrate the both the LIC along with SSO framework into the Aperi SRM framework. The other key milestones are for legal approval, formal test and publish the milestone release. Again we want to work with your team to help you enable your products for Higgins based SSO and the LIC.
  • Slide 5 is the Proposed Document Control Process. The steps are listed on the chart. To summarize, the document is made available for review for a minimum of 1 week. The review comments are logged. The displacement of the review comments must be documented in a log. Once the review and comment displacement activities are complete, the document can be approved using the Aperi Voting Process. If the vote is successful, the document is then issued and given an issue date. Al sent out a review request on the Aperi-Dev mailing list.
  • Slide 6 is some miscellaneous info. The 2009 roadmap plan is due Sept. 30. We have a good understanding of the 1H09 items but we need to start thinking about what’s next. The Aperi downloads are booming! The Aperi Downloads have passed the 3000th download in June and July has been a record month. There were 721 downloads so far this month with 337 for the SRM Application and 384 for the SAN Simulator. Al will be updating the downloads chart after July is complete – there are still a few hours to go.
  • For those of you that are interested.
    • Al mentioned the phase details are in the back-up section of charts.
    • Slide 12 shows the Aperi downloads by country. The information is based on the end of June 2008. Al will update July after the month end.
    • Slide 13 shows the June totals and running total. Aperi has passed the 3000th download.

Workgroup Update - Slides - Martine Wedlake

  • Martine made a request for additional participation in the workgroups. Martine mentioned that there are several ways to contribute. One can either come to meetings, post material in the wiki, or, finally, send an email to Martine or Aperi-Dev.
  • LIC – Martine reported a good session at the SNIA Summer Symposium where he presented the CIM-SMIS LIC scoping document for the model change. He thought there was general acceptance of the material. He plans to push the spec. forward. He noted that the minutes of the SNIA meetings are now IP of SNIA and cannot be posted on Aperi wiki. The scoping doc has now been transition into SNIA. Martine will continue the workgroup to address the list of other items like the LIC descriptor, SSO, and more complicated context use case scenarios.
  • SMIS production ready task force: Martine reported that the meeting is tomorrow. He presented the Aperi prioritized list to the SNIA PRTF. He received a reflection list of raw feedback. The meeting tomorrow will focus on going through the reflection list and prioritizing it. Martine would like to get a refined reflection list from the PRTF. Paul is now a member of Aperi and Martine expects him to participate in the Aperi PRTF workgroup now. So we have a great interlock with SNIA.
  • CIM DB/ COSMOS interaction: This workgroup completed it’s goals so is no longer meeting. It may start up again if we determine additional items Aperi and Cosmos would like to accomplish. Al asked about the checkin of the work into Aperi and any 3rd party libraries that we would need to seek approval for. Martine was going to look into the 3rd party libaries and now that he is an Aperi committer, he can check in the code.

Other Topics:

  • none this month

Action items:

  • Russ and Michelle will follow up on the Fall SNW planning.
  • Russ will set up next meeting for the end of August and send out invitations.

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