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Agenda and minutes for Community meeting January 31, 2008
Aperi Wiki Home Aperi Community Meetings
- 2007 Accomplishments
- Maintaining the Momentum, Spring SNW
- Closing in on the 2008 Roadmap
- Open Standards Integration
Company | Attendees |
Brocade | Absent |
CA | Absent |
Cisco | Absent |
Emulex | Absent |
LSI | Absent |
Fujitsu | Hiroshi Yoshida |
IBM | Russ Warren, Allen Marin, Martine Wedlake, Tom Guinane |
NetApp | John Tyrrell |
Novell | Alan Clark |
YottaYotta | Javier Lozano |
The notes below are comments and material that are not covered in the charts:
Introduction/Agenda - Russ Warren
- Three avenues of participation in the Aperi project:
- Marketing - getting the word out on Aperi, SNW booth, etc. (need funding for 2 SNWs/year, collateral, messages, recruitment)
- Working on the reference model implementation for interoperation between Aperi SRM and element managers (sign sign on, launch in context)
- Working on standards - extend SMI-S, work with other standards groups on security and enterprise management interoperation
- Asking every Aperi company to at least focus on one area for 2008 to help the community
2007 Accomplishments - Tom Guinane
- During the accomplishments review, John stated that it would be nice to have the names of the people (and their company affiliation) who are downloading the code in order to contact them.
- Allen indicated that Eclipse, and other open source projects in general, are very careful with privacy and tend to provide enough statistic information to get a sense of the activity without revealing actual participants.
- However, when people sign up to the mailing lists, they are showing interest in the project and we certainly can reach out to them in those venues.
Maintaining the Momentum, Spring SNW - Allen Marin
- ComputerWorld booth selection is on 2/13, so need to act quickly
- SNW Booth funding:
- IBM will participate
- NetApp is almost certain they will participate
- YottaYotta believes they will commit as well
- Allen will do one-off calls with interested companies to try and lock SNW Spring funding
Closing in on the 2008 Roadmap - Tom Guinane
- John: The current SMI-S performance profile is lacking. Is the Block Server Performance support line item listed for the SAN Simulator for this year based on the current SMI-S performance profile definition or on the IBM Extensions to the profile?
- Tom to ask Ramani.
- Tom put forward a proposal for him to contact each line item owners in the draft roadmap and close on the open items. He will then build a timeline to be approved by the next community meeting. This proposal was agreed upon by the community. General communication on the roadmap will take place via the mailing lists
Open Standards Integration - Martine Wedlake
- This is the third way to participate in the Aperi community
- Three proposals are listed, but this area is open to other ideas from the community
- Proposal 1: Support for our 2008 theme
- Proposal 2: getting pragmatic
- SMI-S client issues
- Addressing main pain points (additional ones identified during the call):
- Packaging, discovery, and configuration of the CIMOMs as seen by the customers
- Software distribution
- Fixing bugs
- Proposal 3:
- A multitude of opportunities for collaboration with COSMOS
Action items:
- Allen will work with community for funding for Aperi booth at SNW Spring
- Tom will work with line item owners in order to solidify the roadmap
- Martine will send out a call for participation for standards work groups
- Russ will set up next meeting and send out invitations