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DOM Source
The DOM Source view displays the HTML source of the selected DOM node. The source can be edited, validated, and updated back to the browser page's DOM. A Source Status bar shows whether the node is out of sync with the browser or if it contains validation errors. Validating the source will place the cursor to the position of the error if one exists.
The view also provides the following toolbar buttons:
Update browser - Replaces the DOM source of the currently selected node in the browser page
Refresh source - Replaces the content of the DOM Source view with the latest HTML source from the browser
Validate source - Validates the DOM Source content contains valid HTML that can updated to the browser
- Note: The previous toolbar buttons are also in a context menu accessible by right-clicking in the DOM Source view.
To open the view:
- Go to Windows menu.
- Select Show View and Other... to open the Show View dialog.
- Under the Mozilla category, select DOM Source.