Establish product management infrastructure for the different Polarsys solutions and services based on Tuleap
Person responsible: Francis Bordeleau, Charles Rivet
Define the overall strategy for the use of Tuleap as main tool for Polarsys product/project management
Define the role of Tuleap for Polarsys product/project management and the main use cases to be implemented
Define the respective role of Tuleap and Bugzilla, and how the two tools will be integrated in the overall Polarsys product/project management process
Synchronize with the Eclipse Foundation to understand the strategy of the Foundation regarding Tuleap and Bugzilla
Define the desired Tuleap configuration/hierarchy
Define the requirements and use cases for Tuleap improvements
In particular, the improvements related to the integration of Tuleap and Bugzilla to automate the required synchronization
Define and post RFP for Tuleap improvements on the Polarys wiki
Deadline for proposals December 9th, 2016
Selection of winning proposal: December 13th, 2016
Deploy Tuleap on Polarsys/Eclipse Foundation infrastructure and make it available for Polarsys IC's and projects
Deadline: March 31st, 2017
Get existing Polarsys solutions to use Tuleap for managing their requirements and priorities
Success factors
Get all of the existing Polarsys solutions/projects/IC's to start using Tuleap before the end of 2017
Investigate the launch of a new Polarsys initiative on Requirements Management
Person responsible: Francis Bordeleau
Set up a wiki page to discuss the launch of a new initiative on Requirements Management
For now the goal is to investigate the potential launch of a new Polarsys initiative on Requirements Management
The initiative will be officially launched if
A sufficient number of organizations commit resources to this specific initiative -- the required number of organizations and the level of resource commitment are to be determined as part of this initial plan
A person/organization (end-user organization) accept to lead this new initiative
Identify a person to accept the responsibility of being the contact person for this initial phase
Define overall strategy for the launch of this new Polarsys initiative
Define an initial scope, set of requirements, and plan that will be used to approach organizations
Contact organizations (who have already expressed interest) to know of they are interested in formally participating to the development of an open source Requirements Management solution
Success factors
There are three potential outcome of this initial phase
We gather the required level of commitment and someone to lead this new initial -> Launch of new initiative in 2017
There is clear interest, but not sufficient commitment or no identified leader in the short term -> Postpone the launch until base requirements are satisfied or decide to not further pursue this initiative
There is not enough interest in the proposed initiative -> We abandon the initiative
Establish Capella Industry Consortium (IC)
Person responsible: Benoit Langlois
Joint development financing to share cost on new features / operations and share risk:
Product Management with Requirements co-creation along a transparent process
Promotion from several companies to count on a large scale
Development of the community (end users, academia, research)
Writing the charter of Capella IC
Commitment on the charter
Creation of the Capella IC
Set up and work with the Capella IC
Capella IC marketing material
MBSE Conference (Incose, CSDM, AFIS)
Capella dedicated events (Toulouse, Germany)
Travel to recruit of new Capella IC members
Initialize feature co-funding
Success factors
Joint development financing
1 improvement (about new or existing feature) with co-funding between at least two members
2 new features not-funded by Thales
Remaining budget from fees is spent on feature development
Product Management
Process & Infra to capture requirements are running
1 new feature has been specified with requirements from at least 2 differents members
Knownledge Sharing
1 technology watch meeting is running with good feedback
1 public case study
1 training or workshop
A private roadmap is shared between members
2 talks about Capella (not Thales, not Obeo)
Development of the community
3 large end users members
3 suppliers
1 academia
Establish Polarsys release train -- To be confirmed after meeting with Wayne B
Person responsible: Benoit Langlois
Success factors
Identification of the produced packages
Assuming roles of the release manager: 1) planning, 2) technical follow-up
Promotion with a communication channel
Recruit new Polarsys members with main focus on the following domains: Automotive, Mechatronics, and Aerospace
Person responsible: Will need a person responsible, but it is a shared responsibility between ALL members
Work with EMO to define overall Polarsys recruitment strategy
Prepare "one-slide" to describe benefits of joining the Polarsys for each member category
Identify new potential members
Organize in-person meetings with business and technical leaders from qualified organizations
Work with EMO to provide membership information for Polarsys/Papyrus IC
Welcome new member
Success factors
X new members from end-user organizations
Y new members from supplier organizations
Z new members from research/academia organizations
Marketing goals and plan need to be presented
Person responsible: Charles Rivet
PolarSys 2017-2018 Marketing Plan (not public)
Success factors
As defined in the PolarSys 2017-2018 Marketing Plan (not public)
Establish Polarsys Marketing Committee
Person responsible: Charles Rivet
Inform membership of committee's existence and goals.
Recruit 3 core committee members
Elect Marketing committee lead
Success factors
Committee in place by end of March
Improve reporting with the publication of quarterly and annual reports to track/communicate progress to both members and the community in general
Person responsible: Polarsys Chairman
Reports must be made available before the end of the month that follows the end of a quarter
Quartely report is to be presented during the Papyrus IC Quaterly General Meeting
Success factors
Publication of the reports on time
Improve governance by establishing the required "traceability" between Polarsys, IC Workgroup actions, budget spending, and objectives/goals (from the annual plan)
Person responsible: Stefan Landemoo
Introduce a Budget with posts for Income part and Cost part enabling traceability
Income part with post from each IC workgroup and member
Cost prognosis with posts including affected objective, devided in budget areas and IC Workgroups
Collect spent costs and report each quarter with adjustments and forecast
Collect and report from Half year Contributions Review and Plan
Contribution Report of passed half year with posts including affected objective
Contribution Plan for next half year with posts including affected objective
Success factors
Outcome/result to be provided from Eclipse Controller each Quarter
Introduce templates for a common way to manage the data
Introduce objective reference number traceability when defining the goals/objectives and use it as a connection between budget, plan and outcome. E.g Contrib type, Contribution , planned/Actual person days, Planned/Actual value/USD, Objective ref.