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2017 Polarsys Goals and Plan

2017 Goals and Plan

  • Establish product management infrastructure for the different Polarsys solutions and services based on Tuleap
    • Person responsible: Francis Bordeleau, Charles Rivet
    • Plan
      • Define the overall strategy for the use of Tuleap as main tool for Polarsys product/project management
        • Define the role of Tuleap for Polarsys product/project management and the main use cases to be implemented
        • Define the respective role of Tuleap and Bugzilla, and how the two tools will be integrated in the overall Polarsys product/project management process
        • Synchronize with the Eclipse Foundation to understand the strategy of the Foundation regarding Tuleap and Bugzilla
        • Define the desired Tuleap configuration/hierarchy
      • Define the requirements and use cases for Tuleap improvements
        • In particular, the improvements related to the integration of Tuleap and Bugzilla to automate the required synchronization
      • Define and post RFP for Tuleap improvements on the Polarys wiki
        • Deadline for proposals December 9th, 2016
        • Selection of winning proposal: December 13th, 2016
      • Deploy Tuleap on Polarsys/Eclipse Foundation infrastructure and make it available for Polarsys IC's and projects
        • Deadline: March 31st, 2017
      • Get existing Polarsys solutions to use Tuleap for managing their requirements and priorities
    • Success factors
      • Get all of the existing Polarsys solutions/projects/IC's to start using Tuleap before the end of 2017
  • Investigate the launch of a new Polarsys initiative on Requirements Management
    • Person responsible: Francis Bordeleau
    • Plan
      • Note:
        • Set up a wiki page to discuss the launch of a new initiative on Requirements Management
        • For now the goal is to investigate the potential launch of a new Polarsys initiative on Requirements Management
        • The initiative will be officially launched if
          • A sufficient number of organizations commit resources to this specific initiative -- the required number of organizations and the level of resource commitment are to be determined as part of this initial plan
          • A person/organization (end-user organization) accept to lead this new initiative
      • Identify a person to accept the responsibility of being the contact person for this initial phase
      • Define overall strategy for the launch of this new Polarsys initiative
      • Define an initial scope, set of requirements, and plan that will be used to approach organizations
      • Contact organizations (who have already expressed interest) to know of they are interested in formally participating to the development of an open source Requirements Management solution
    • Success factors
      • There are three potential outcome of this initial phase
    1. We gather the required level of commitment and someone to lead this new initial -> Launch of new initiative in 2017
    2. There is clear interest, but not sufficient commitment or no identified leader in the short term -> Postpone the launch until base requirements are satisfied or decide to not further pursue this initiative
    3. There is not enough interest in the proposed initiative -> We abandon the initiative
  • Establish Capella Industry Consortium (IC)
    • Person responsible: Benoit Langlois
    • Goals
      • Joint development financing to share cost on new features / operations and share risk:
      • Product Management with Requirements co-creation along a transparent process
      • Knownledge Sharing (case studies, training, technology watch)
      • Promotion from several companies to count on a large scale
      • Development of the community (end users, academia, research)
    • Plan
      1. Writing the charter of Capella IC
      2. Commitment on the charter
      3. Creation of the Capella IC
      4. Set up and work with the Capella IC
        • Capella IC marketing material
        • MBSE Conference (Incose, CSDM, AFIS)
        • Capella dedicated events (Toulouse, Germany)
        • Travel to recruit of new Capella IC members
        • Initialize feature co-funding
      5. Post-mortem
    • Success factors
      • Joint development financing
        • 1 improvement (about new or existing feature) with co-funding between at least two members
        • 2 new features not-funded by Thales
        • Remaining budget from fees is spent on feature development
      • Product Management
        • Process & Infra to capture requirements are running
        • 1 new feature has been specified with requirements from at least 2 differents members
      • Knownledge Sharing
        • 1 technology watch meeting is running with good feedback
        • 1 public case study
        • 1 training or workshop
        • A private roadmap is shared between members
      • Promotion
        • 2 talks about Capella (not Thales, not Obeo)
      • Development of the community
        • 3 large end users members
        • 3 suppliers
        • 1 academia
  • Establish Polarsys release train -- To be confirmed after meeting with Wayne B
    • Person responsible: Benoit Langlois
    • Success factors
      • Identification of the produced packages
      • Assuming roles of the release manager: 1) planning, 2) technical follow-up
      • Promotion with a communication channel
  • Recruit new Polarsys members with main focus on the following domains: Automotive, Mechatronics, and Aerospace
    • Person responsible: Will need a person responsible, but it is a shared responsibility between ALL members
    • Plan
      • Work with EMO to define overall Polarsys recruitment strategy
      • Prepare "one-slide" to describe benefits of joining the Polarsys for each member category
      • Identify new potential members
      • Organize in-person meetings with business and technical leaders from qualified organizations
      • Work with EMO to provide membership information for Polarsys/Papyrus IC
      • Welcome new member
    • Success factors
      • X new members from end-user organizations
      • Y new members from supplier organizations
      • Z new members from research/academia organizations
  • Marketing goals and plan need to be presented
    • Person responsible: Charles Rivet
    • Plan
      • PolarSys 2017-2018 Marketing Plan (not public)
    • Success factors
      • As defined in the PolarSys 2017-2018 Marketing Plan (not public)
  • Establish Polarsys Marketing Committee
    • Person responsible: Charles Rivet
    • Plan
      • Inform membership of committee's existence and goals.
      • Recruit 3 core committee members
      • Elect Marketing committee lead
    • Success factors
      • Committee in place by end of March
  • Improve reporting with the publication of quarterly and annual reports to track/communicate progress to both members and the community in general
    • Person responsible: Polarsys Chairman
    • Plan
      • Reports must be made available before the end of the month that follows the end of a quarter
      • Quartely report is to be presented during the Papyrus IC Quaterly General Meeting
    • Success factors
      • Publication of the reports on time
  • Improve governance by establishing the required "traceability" between Polarsys, IC Workgroup actions, budget spending, and objectives/goals (from the annual plan)
    • Person responsible: Stefan Landemoo
    • Plan
      • Introduce a Budget with posts for Income part and Cost part enabling traceability
        • Income part with post from each IC workgroup and member
        • Cost prognosis with posts including affected objective, devided in budget areas and IC Workgroups
      • Collect spent costs and report each quarter with adjustments and forecast
      • Collect and report from Half year Contributions Review and Plan
        • Contribution Report of passed half year with posts including affected objective
        • Contribution Plan for next half year with posts including affected objective
    • Success factors
      • Outcome/result to be provided from Eclipse Controller each Quarter
      • Introduce templates for a common way to manage the data
      • Introduce objective reference number traceability when defining the goals/objectives and use it as a connection between budget, plan and outcome. E.g Contrib type, Contribution , planned/Actual person days, Planned/Actual value/USD, Objective ref.
      • Data must be able to collect, merge and present

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