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20170314 Rover Project Meeting
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Meeting Information
Date: 2017-03-14 10:00 (EDT) / 16:00 (CEST)
Type: Telephone conference
Name | Company |
Gaël Blondelle | Eclipse Foundation |
Francis Bordeleau | |
Nicolas Hilli | Queen's University |
Ernesto Posse | Zeligsoft |
Antonio Garcia-Dominguez | Aston University |
Ralf Ellner | DevelopGroup |
Juergen Dingel | Queen's univ |
Antonio Garcia Dominguez | Aston University |
Angelika Wittek | Freelance |
- Roundtable to describe different efforts
- Status about the PolarSys Rover project
- Discuss a short term plan to contribute the code and move the development to the Eclipse infrastructure
- Discuss a project plan from now to june
Ralf Ellner
- Interest in education. Each year a small group of students uses the Rover and develops new featers.
- This year: augmented reality headset to track the Rover...
- Interest in variability
Juergen Dingel
- Workshop proposal at Models 2017 about MDE tools.
- Not a competition, but show how to prepare and evaluate tools based on the same use case.
- Inspired by a similar challenge workshop at Models with the transformation tool
Ernesto Posse
- Chair of the Papyrus IC Research and Academia committee
- Two directions: one for Education and one for Research
- Published a form where people can apply for rovers at the Papyrus IC
- 8 applications and decision to distribute 5 rovers. 3 already distributed.
Antonio Dominguez
- Use the rover to attract more students to the side of MDE in general
- A colleague opened a robotics club and the Rover could be an interesting application
Angelika Wittek
- Test the Rover and help the EFE team
- Add more sensors, but issue if you want to power much more sensors with the same I2C
- Funny experiments
Gael Blondelle
- Need to enable demos of PolarSys tools (solutions) as well as for research projects (Amalthea4Public, Basys, AMASS, ...)
- See this presentation.
Nicolas Hili
See this presentation.
Short term plan
- Contribute the code and move the development to the Eclipse infrastructure
- Consolidate the models
- Find a place for training material and research prototypes
- Organize the Rover session at the unconference
Next meeting
No next meeting planned for the moment. Opportunity to organize another telco will be discussed on the mailing list.
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