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20160610 Rover Unconf FR2016
- Pierre Gaufillet (IRT Saint-Exupéry)
- Jean-Marie Gauthier (Samarès/IRT Saint-Exupéry)
- Sébastien Dubé (ESI Group/IRT Saint-Exupéry)
- Jean-François Rolland (ATOS)
- Tristan Faure (ATOS)
- Shui Li (CEA LIST)
- Ralf Ellner (Develop Group)
- Charles Rivet (Zeligsoft) - Morning only
- Xavier Plavis (Airbus DS) - Morning only
Todo List
- Publish the MVP (Minimal Viable Product)
- HW it (BOM)
- C/C++
- Java
- Comunication
- Send an email to the PolarSys mailing list in order to ask people to join the rover mailing list to participate
- Add info about the preparation of the initial contribution
- Check that each initial contributor is subscribed to the mailing list
- Send an email to the PolarSys mailing list in order to ask people to join the rover mailing list to participate
- Prepare the initial contribution:
- Start a github repo to prepare initial contribution content
- C/C++ code - Gaël Blondelle
- Java code - Ralf Ellner
- Papyrus SysML models - Ralf Ellner
- Papyrus RT model - Chalres Rivet
- Yocto distribution - Francis Giraldeau
- Docs - Everybody
- Organize the repo
- Discuss repo organization on the mailing list
- Pierre Gaufillet explained how IRT organizes a repo with several variants of their own rover
- Reorganize wiki pages
- Publish first version of the project website
- Initial tutorial to setup and test the BOM
Future work
Establish agreement with online HW retailers
- in Europe: Distribution agreement being defined with Snootlab
- in Canada
- in the US
Presentation of existing work by Develop Group (Ralf Ellner)
For students: Project about variability (master thesis) student tries to automatically calculate variants from sysML models.
- sysML model of the rover (includes 3 ecisting variants)
- You can calculate a SysML model that fits the global model after the implementation choice are made
== Proposals for participation to the project
- Develop Group
- Contribute code for Pi4J, ...
- mobile app to control the rover: HTML… (web server on the rover including camera stream).
- Atos: Help using Gendoc and Reqcycle.
- Gendoc templates for Papyrus and Capella
- Provide example for traceability with Reqcycle
Discussion about the initial contribution
Discussion with Wayne BEaton:
- Exempted Pre-req: WiringPi (LGPL) needs an exemption from the executive director
- Pi4J is a regular prereq: , Pi4J (license is not compatible, …)
- Papyrus RT model - just move them (no trouble in terms of process)
Potential future work
Future events:
- Participate to the IoT playgrond at ECE
- Launch a contest at Models and announce the results at EclipseCon France next year
Ideas from IRT Saint-Exupéry: