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WTP Development Status Meeting 2007-05-24
John L, Larry I, Scott L, Der Ping C, Neil H, Jess G, Kostanin K, Hoi L, David W, Raghu, Larry D, Kathy C, Kate P, Bob F, Chuck B, Tim D
No announcements.
WTP 1.5.5
- May 11-June 22 RDB Fixes
- June 29 All Component Fixes
- July 13 M Build
- July 27 M Build
- Aug 10 M Build
- Aug 17 RC1
- Aug 24 RC2
- Aug 31 1.5.5 GA
- May 11-June 22 RDB Fixes
- RDB is an exception in 1.5.5 as this is their only avenue to provide capabilities to stay current with DTP. They will be adding new function and be starting 1.5.5 early. This is in order to support access control package and because of this, the SQL model needs to be changed and adopters may need to regenerate their own custom SQL models.
- Bug lists (WST,JST,JSF)
- Invalid Targeted Defects <1.5.5 (0)
- 1.5.x Untargeted Blockers/Criticals (~3)
- 1.5.x Untriaged Bugs (~12)
- 1.5.5 Bugs for WTP PMC review and approval (~5)
- 1.5.5 Hot Bug Requests (~0)
- 1.5.5 Hot Bugs (~2)
- 1.5.5 Blockers, Criticals (~0)
- 1.5.5 Remaining Targeted Bugs (~15)
- 1.5.5 Total Bugs Fixed (~1)
- 1.5.x Resolved, Unverified (~16)
- 1.5.x Verified, Not closed (~0)
WTP 2.0
March 2007 - June 2007 Platform +1 WTP RC2 May 25 May 30 June 05 1 PMC +1's RC3 June 08 June 13 June 14 2 PMC +1's RC4 June 15 June 20 June 21 3 PMC +1's Europa GA June 29 June 29 June 29
- Europa To Do's
- Ensure all plugin manifests have execution environments specified - David will verify this is done for RC2?
- Use signed plugin jars - This is not a requirement anymore, are we still going to do for WTP 2.0?
- Each component must run the eclipse copyright tool to ensure all files have a proper copyright. J2EE? No update.
- Component Leads - Please update the exception section of the WTP 2.0 Europa Ramp Down Plan with the relevant info and bugzilla numbers for exceptions to M6 feature complete.
- Updates to feature.xml's to pull in required dependencies. This is done for JST and WST but not tested. JPA and JSF will follow.
- WTP 2.0 API Delta - Component leads please provide a a summary of API changes between WTP 1.5 and 2.0 for your component. This is due by June 6th for the release review meeting. If there are no changes, please put "None" in the document. Complete.
- Update site - David? Due to bugs 187975, 186506, 187979, 187396, the update site for RC0 does not work very well.
- Build Status
- WSDL plugin issues are corrected. We now have a renamed version of the WSDL 1.5 plugin.
- JUnits are clean.
- Ready to smoke test. Use smoke test status wiki page to cast vote of readiness to declare RC1.
- Bug Lists
- May 25th - June 05th, WTP RC2
May 2007 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 28
Mustfix defects29
Mustfix defects30
Mustfix defects31
Mustfix defects
Defect Verifications01
Declare RC2 Weekly Build04
Test and fix any blockers05
Declare WTP 2.0 RC2
- Build Schedule - We will declare a weekly build on Friday June 1st and all teams should try and be RC2 complete by then. We will leave Monday June 4th for any further testing and blocker bug fixes, but this should try to be avoided. No resmoke will be necessary if no changes are made.
- PMC Review - One vote required, i.e. "tentative approval" on website
- WTP 2.0 PMC Bugs for Approval Page
- PMC members remember to use the flags instead of the +1 comment!
- API Violations Review -
- Cannot underestimate the importance of this in the stability and quality of WTP as a platform. These numbers are embarrassingly high. Each component needs to really get someone focused each week on improving these numbers and opening API requests.
- Action 1 = For any violation, open a bug to request API or fix code to not use internal discouraged access. An example is using images or labels from other plugins, these should be copied into your plugin. Also, using internal classes instead of the API interfaces.
- Action 2 = If you do have a clean plugin of API violations/discourage access, switch prereq ranges wide so you can react to small version number changes without issue.
- Action 3 = To be able to develop with discouraged access enabled, we need to update plugin's .classpath rules. Should we turn off defaults to expose all warnings to get a quicker resolution?
- Cannot underestimate the importance of this in the stability and quality of WTP as a platform. These numbers are embarrassingly high. Each component needs to really get someone focused each week on improving these numbers and opening API requests.
- Bug Lists
- 2.0 Invalid Targeted Defects <RC2 (~62)
- 2.0 Remaining Targeted RC2 Defects (~33)
- All Remaining 2.0 Targeted Enhancements (~8)
- 2.0 Hot Bug Requests (~0)
- 2.0 Hot Bugs (~1)
- 2.0 Untargeted Blockers/Criticals (~1)
- 2.0 Blockers/Criticals (~3)
- 2.0 Total JST, WST, JSF Bugs Fixed (~590)
- 2.0 Dali Total Bugs Fixed (~134)
- 2.0 Targeted Bugs (Graph)
- All Remaining 2.0 Targeted Bugs (~142)
Bug Backlogs
- All Untriaged WTP Bugs (Graph)
- All Untriaged WTP Bugs (~105)
- All WTP Verified, Not Closed Bugs (Graph)
- All WTP Verified, Not Closed Bugs (11)
- All WTP Resolved, Unverified Bugs (Graph)
- All WTP Resolved, Unverified Bugs (552)
- All WTP Defect Backlog (Graph)
- All WTP Defect Backlog (2969)
- All Resolved, Remind or Later (Graph)
- All Resolved, Remind or Later (~58)
- All Open WTP Bugs with Patches Attached (Graph)
- All Open WTP Bugs with Patches Attached (~197)
- All API Requests (9)
Working Groups
- Java EE 5 - Import/Export of EE5 projects did not make RC1. Will be in for RC2. The common interface for using 1.4 and 1.5 web applications will be pushed out to WTP 3.0.
- JEE5 Test Scenarios
- When opening related defects, add "JEE5-UC" in the Status Whiteboard
- Website
- Bob F - Added new FAQ for tomcat from Larry and FAQ pages converted to pheonix. Defect about build pages not using eclipse mirrors which Jess will help Bob fix. A news item for a RC1 page with bugs fixed will be added to the website
Other business?
John to work on moving older builds to
Teams Status and Focus for Coming Week
Server Component Team
Datatools (RDB, 1.5.x only)
XML/JSP Component Team
- Working on limited number of fixes for RC2
- Defect (fix) verification
- Updating tutorials (105989&181979) to match 2.0 UI
- Reviewing performance tests
- Ongoing triaging of incoming bug reports
- Brainstorming 3.0
Web Services Component Team
Java EE Component Team
Dali JPA
- Testing
- Fixing bugs for RC1
- Finishing up access violation work, only db plugin violations remain unaccounted for.
- Investigating improving usage scans and test coverage reports
- Running Performance and API tests
- Known Issues
- The baseline test needs to be rerun each week to eliminate false "hiccups" in performance.
- Action Items
- Improve the UI readability and cohesiveness of the output result pages
- Improve the actual tests. Why do some take so long? Why do some results fluctuate? Why do some have 160% performance degradations? Are the tests even still valid?
- Allow committers to reliably and efficiently run perfomance suites in the workspace before checking in code
- Add JSF and JPA performance JUnits
- Instructions for tagging existing and new WTP wiki pages can be found at WTP's Category page
- This Week's Smoke Test Results
- Build Declaration Process Refined - See WTP Build Process and Procedures
- Reminder:
- Information about process for milestone bugzilla line item planning has been added to the WTP Bugs, Workflow, and Conventions document.
- PMC Candidate Review Request Checklist - See the updated PMC Review document with attention to the "How To Prepare a PMC Defect Candidate" section
- Adopter Migration Information for WTP 2.0 - Please add any details for your component.
- Website
- Documentation on Setting up your system for Web Tools Web site development and Using Web Tools Phoenix PHP templates is on the wiki at Web_Tools_Web_Site_Development