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WTP Development Status Meeting 2007-05-03
John L, David W, Raghu S, Bob F, Jess G, Konstantin K, Larry D, Rob F, Nitin D, Amy W, Neil H, Dave G, Carl A, Angel V
- See Equinox wiki page for information on addition of a second executable, eclipsec.exe, on windows to allow the OS to allocate a console.
- JEE Schemas finally included in WTP 2.0 plugin org.eclipse.jst.standard.schemas
WTP 1.5.4
- Build Status
- Please finish all critical/blocker bug fix verifications before we declare 1.5.4
- John will send a note asking for component sign off on 1.5.4 tommorrow
- David is working on getting the update site ready to roll
- Versioning issues? None.
- David will update the newsgroup with declaration note, bugs fixed, and send info Bob F to update the news section of website.
- Bug lists (WST,JST,JSF)
- Invalid Targeted Defects <1.5.4 (0)
- 1.5.x Untargeted Blockers/Criticals (~0)
- 1.5.x Untriaged Bugs (~9)
- 1.5.4 Bugs for WTP PMC review and approval (~0)
- 1.5.4 Hot Bug Requests (~0)
- 1.5.4 Hot Bugs (~0)
- 1.5.4 Blockers, Criticals (~0)
- 1.5.4 Remaining Targeted Bugs (~0)
- 1.5.4 Total Bugs Fixed (~69)
- 1.5.x Resolved, Unverified (~20)
- 1.5.x Verified, Not closed (~0)
WTP 2.0
March 2007 - June 2007 Platform +1 WTP M7/RC0 May 04 May 11 May 18 RC1 May 18 May 23 May 25 1 PMC +1's RC2 May 25 May 30 June 05 1 PMC +1's RC3 June 08 June 13 June 14 2 PMC +1's RC4 June 15 June 20 June 21 3 PMC +1's Europa GA June 29 June 29 June 29
- Europa To Do's
- Ensure all plugin manifests have execution environments specified - David to open bugzilla, each component needs to do this for RC0.
- Move WS bundles to orbit - Done and smoke tests look good.
- Use signed plugin jars - This is not a requirement anymore, but we will still investigate.
- Each component must run the eclipse copyright tool to ensure all files have a proper copyright. Good progress, will check back on JSF, J2EE, and server tools next week.
- Component Leads - Please update the exception section of the WTP 2.0 Europa Ramp Down Plan with the relevant info and bugzilla numbers for exceptions to M6 feature complete.
- Please note the WTP 2.0 Ramp down plan.
- Bugzilla process changes (in progress, stay tuned)
- Use review flag for component lead review
- Committer puts the component lead under review flag with a "?"
- Component lead switches review flag to "+" or "-"
- PMC flag
- This will only affect PMC members, who will instead of voting with text of "+1" in a comment, will use the "PMC_approved" flag with a value of "+" or "-". Business as usual for committers who will still put the "PMC" into the whiteboard which will be updated to PMC_approved as appropriate. Please remember to add as CC for all PMC bugs.
- April 6th - May 18th, WTP RC0
April 2007 - May 2007 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 07
Bug Fixing
Start component lead change approval08
Bug Fixing09
Bug Fixing10
Status Call
Smoke Test11
Declare I Build
produce test candidate14
Function and Compatibility Tests15
Defect Verifications
Mustfix defects16
Defect Verifications
Mustfix defects17
Defect Verifications
Status Call
Thumbs Up Test18
Declare WTP 2.0 RC0
- Build Status
- Platform M7 declared this week. EMF and GEF M7 next week.
- Please smoke test and update wiki to declare RCO I Build.
- JUnits all passing.
- RC0 New and Noteworthy - Nitin to start the new and noteworthy process for RC0 for those components who added new function.
- API Violations Review - Cannot underestimate the importance of this in the stability and quality of WTP as a platform. These numbers are embarrassingly high. Each component needs to really get someone focused each week on improving these numbers and opening API requests.
- Action 1 = For any violation, open a bug to request API or fix code to not use internal discouraged access. An example is using images or labels from other plugins, these should be copied into your plugin. Also, using internal classes instead of the API interfaces.
- Action 2 = If you do have a clean plugin of API violations/discourage access, switch prereq ranges wide so you can react to small version number changes without issue.
- Action 3 = To be able to develop with discouraged access enabled, we need to update plugin's .classpath rules. Should we turn off defaults to expose all warnings to get a quicker resolution?
- Known Issues
- Investigatating possible issue with API violation scan reports with respect to DTP usage.
- Bug Lists
- Bugzilla Enhancements Targeted for 2.0 RC0 (~24)
- All Remaining 2.0 Targeted Enhancements (~33)
- 2.0 Invalid Targeted Defects <RC0 (~0)
- 2.0 Hot Bug Requests (~0)
- 2.0 Hot Bugs (~1)
- 2.0 Remaining Targeted RC0 Defects (~150)
- 2.0 Total JST, WST, JSF Bugs Fixed (~462)
- 2.0 JPA Total Bugs Fixed (~68)
- 2.0 Targeted Bugs (Graph)
- All Remaining 2.0 Targeted Bugs (~223)
Bug Backlogs
- All Untriaged WTP Bugs (Graph)
- All Untriaged WTP Bugs (~117)
- All WTP Verified, Not Closed Bugs (Graph)
- All WTP Verified, Not Closed Bugs (1)
- All WTP Resolved, Unverified Bugs (Graph)
- All WTP Resolved, Unverified Bugs (416)
- All WTP Defect Backlog (Graph)
- All WTP Defect Backlog (2946)
- All Resolved, Remind or Later (Graph)
- All Resolved, Remind or Later (~60)
- All Open WTP Bugs with Patches Attached (Graph)
- All Open WTP Bugs with Patches Attached (~169)
- All API Requests (9)
Working Groups
- Java EE 5 Carl sent note about new API's for getting JEE5 models for read. Stay tuned for more detailed doc from Chuck.
- JEE5 Test Scenarios
- When opening related defects, add "JEE5-UC" in the Status Whiteboard
- Axis2
- Axis2 1.2 support will be added next week.
- Today’s Eclipse webinar, Introduction to Web Services Tools in WTP, presented by Andrew Mak and Kathy Chan is now available from Eclipse Live.
- Website
- Bob F - Pheonix conversion of people pages complete, see bug 183225, maybe run by for review, redirects will go in if no one resports any problems.
- To get news items in, either send Bob a note or open bug against "website".
Other business?
Teams Status and Focus for Coming Week
Server Component Team
Datatools (RDB, 1.5.x only)
XML/JSP Component Team
- Finishing 2.0 plan items
- Updating tutorials (105989,175052,181979) to match RC0/2.0 UI
- Reviewing performance tests
- Ongoing triaging of incoming bugs
Web Services Component Team
- WTP 2.0
- Smoke tests passed.
- Unresolved bugs: 26.
- Unresolved RFEs: 1, to be reviewed and committed.
- Axis2 and Axis 1.4 are integrated.
- Two new Axis2 Web services tools tutorials under the Web Services tutorials section:
- A successful Webinar Introduction to Web services tools in WTP today by Kathy Chan and Andrew Mak.
Java EE Component Team
Dali JPA
- Continuing with bug and enhancement work for M7/RC0
- Investigating improving usage scans and test coverage reports
- Running Performance and API tests
- Known Issues
- The baseline test needs to be rerun each week to eliminate false "hiccups" in performance.
- Action Items
- Improve the UI readability and cohesiveness of the output result pages
- Improve the actual tests. Why do some take so long? Why do some results fluctuate? Why do some have 160% performance degradations? Are the tests even still valid?
- Allow committers to reliably and efficiently run perfomance suites in the workspace before checking in code
- Add JSF and JPA performance JUnits
- Instructions for tagging existing and new WTP wiki pages can be found at WTP's Category page
- This Week's Smoke Test Results
- Build Declaration Process Refined - See WTP Build Process and Procedures
- Reminder:
- Information about process for milestone bugzilla line item planning has been added to the WTP Bugs, Workflow, and Conventions document.
- PMC Candidate Review Request Checklist - See the updated PMC Review document with attention to the "How To Prepare a PMC Defect Candidate" section
- Adopter Migration Information for WTP 2.0 - Please add any details for your component.
- Website
- Documentation on Setting up your system for Web Tools Web site development and Using Web Tools Phoenix PHP templates is on the wiki at Web_Tools_Web_Site_Development