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WTP Development Status Meeting 2006-11-16


Rob F, Chuck B, John L, Amy W, Raghu, Kathy C, Larry I , David W, Peter H, Larry D, Steve F, Tim D, Der Ping, Craig S, Kate, Tim W

Announcements and Reminders
  • Conferences:
EclipseCon2007 open for long talks, short talks, etc. submissions.
ECOOP is open for submissions -- Berlin, Germany, July 30 - August 3, 2007.
  • Reminder: Make sure your repository connections are using "cvsroot" and not "home"
  • Reminder: Hot bug requests should be evaluated and updated by component leads before the status meeting unless discussion is required
  • Reminder: Next Thursday is a US Holiday - Thanksgiving. No meeting next week. Go Cowboys!

WTP 1.5.3
  • Due: 2007-02-16
  • 1.5.3 Guidelines for fixes
  • We will start declaring 1.5.3M builds this week so please smoke test the latest M-build to be declared by noon on Friday.
Build status? David - Chuck had a mishap with the "home" alias being removed and needs to retag and respin 1.5.3 build.
Please hold smoke tests until this build is ready around 6 pm EST today.
Build updated with EMF 2.2.2 and Eclipse 3.2.2.
  • Bug lists
Resolved, Unverified (~1000)
John to investigate closing out older ones with an explanatory message.
Verified, Not closed (~500)
1.5.3 Hot Bug Requests (~5)
New process, when you reject a hot bug request as a hot bug, change the summary to [hotbug_declined].
1.5.3 Hot Bugs (~2)
  • Any questions about the Patch Process? Feel free to post a note to wtp-releng.

WTP 2.0
  • M3 Due this Friday, 11/17/06
Build Status? David - We have a clean M3 build on EMF 2.2.1, but to keep M3 current we should really try to declare the build on EMF 2.3.
David will rerun build with Java5 VM to hopefully clear JUnit errors.
Please smoke test the latest Stable M3-build on EMF 2.3 to be declared by noon on Friday.
Dali/JPA is now included in the builds and is compiling clean. Thanks for the hard work there!
List (at least) highest priority items, per component team, by 11/17.
David - This will slip past this week, but component leads be aware to update.
Begin to analyze Adopter Usage Reports to pick most important API requirements. John to post latest numbers tommorrow.
Component leads should analyze for two reasons
  • To ensure no one is using code they should not be using.
  • To prioritize which code you plan to make API.
  • Bug lists
Untriaged (~120)
Blockers, Criticals (~5)
2.0 Hot Bug Requests (~2)
2.0 Hot Bugs (~0)
  • Note from Lawrence about setting goals for automated testing. Thoughts?
Currently 48 plugins without any automated test coverage and 30 with less than 50% coverage.
John to look into making these results more regular and more tangible so component leads can plan accordingly
Also, investigate trying to cross correlate uncovered classes with those most widely used by adopters to establish priority.

Other business?
  • Website migration to Phoenix and the proposed plan by Arthur.
In general, development related "stuff" should go to the wiki, and end user "commerical" information should go to php site.
Tim W - Bob Frasor to start migrating in batchs keeping old site functional and determining which pieces are critical for conversion.
Accoring to Eclipse web statistics, WTP is the most popular eclipse project web site.
Stay tuned, addition and best practices for adopter informational links being mulled over by PMC.
Web site update will be a normal agenda item each week.
Chuck - Suggestion, add a link to the wiki from the eclipse web tools page.
  • Does Eclipse have Microsoft Vista plans? Do we?
David - In general, we'll do whatever Eclipse does. It sounds like they will add Vista support for 3.2.2.
We'll just have to coordinate some test effort.
  • Just a friendly reminder to fill in your team status each week on the meeting agenda.

Teams Status and Focus for Coming Week

Common Component Team
Server Component Team
Datatools (RDB, 1.5.x only)
XML-JSP Component Team
Web Services Component Team
  • 1.5.3 - Ongoing triaging of bugs in/out of the release (Query)
  • 2.0 - Ongoing triaging of RFEs for inclusion in the plan.
Java EE Component Team
  • 1.5.3 - Ongoing fixing of bugs.... Dropped a few more this week
  • 2.0 - Ongoing triaging of RFEs for inclusion in the plan.
- Upgraded EMF version on plugin MANIFESTS
- Planning on Java EE5 model discussion - Naci will organize
  • Need to figure out how to build-a-feature-patch
  • Improved JUnit Console Log results
  • Execution Environments
  • Add versions 1.5.1,1.5.2,1.5.3 to the WTP bugzilla version options list when opening new bugs
  • Compiling non API usage numbers from adopters to establish priorities for declaring new API

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