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WTP Development Status Meeting 2006-11-09
- Attendees
John L, Amy W, Chuck B, Nitin D, David W, Kathy C, Raghu S, Larry D, Rob F
- Announcements and Reminders
Organizational Changes
- David has enlisted:
- as announced last week: Pieter Humphrey: new community-ecosystem-marketing representative
- John Lanuti: new WTP release engineer/technical lead
- Callisto site updated for 1.5.2
- 1.5.3 Release
- Due: 2007-02-16
- 1.5.3 Guidelines for fixes
- We will start smoke tests for the 1.5.3 builds next weeek.
- WTP 2.0
- M3 Due 11/17
- Please smoke test latest I-build to be declared by noon on Friday.
- We are building on Eclipse 3.3 M3, move up to EMF 2.3 this week?
- need to improve Web_Tools_Platform_2.0_Plan document
- List (at least) highest priority items, per component team, by 11/17
- Begin to analyze Adopter Usage Reports to pick most important API requirements
- Other business?
- Update New and Noteworthy section for 1.5.2, including known problems? Update FAQ?
- Eclipse 5th Birthday Party celebrations! Happy Birthday Eclipse!!
- Reminder: EclipseCon2007 still open for submitting long talks, short talks, etc.
Teams Status and Focus for Coming Week
- Common Component Team
- Server Component Team
- Resolved several initial bugs on 2.0 this week
- Updated JUnit tests for new JUnit version
- Starting to work on the 3-4 fixes targeted so far to 1.5.3
- Tim dB is out of office Thur/Fri - smoke tested changes (PASS) on Wed build
- Datatools (RDB, 1.5.x only)
- XML-JSP Component Team
- 1.5.3 - Ongoing investigation of bugs in/out of the release
- 2.0 - Ongoing triaging of RFEs for inclusion in the plan.
- Web Services Component Team
- 1.5.3 - Ongoing triaging of bugs in/out of the release (Query)
- 2.0 - Ongoing triaging of RFEs for inclusion in the plan.
- Found a potential contributor for axis2 support
- Project Component Team
- JEE Component Team
- 1.5.3 - Made initial drop of 10 fixes today - 16 left
- 2.0 - Ongoing triage, Hari starting to look at internal api refs.
- Website
- releng
- Need to figure out how to build-a-feature-patch
- Improved JUnit Console Log results
- JPA ready?
- Execution Environments
- Add versions 1.5.1,1.5.2,1.5.3 to the WTP bugzilla version options list when opening new bugs
- Compiling non API usage numbers from adopters to establish priorities for declaring new API
- WTP Meeting Archives
- WTP_Development_Status_Meetings