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DSDP/MTJ/On Device Profiling
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Short description:
It is useful if the developer has as much information as possible about the functioning of the application during the development of the application. This can be created with debug features but also with device profiling. Device profiling collects information extensively from the use and provides this information for the developer.
- Proposed:|Accepted: date_here
- Identified|Described|Outlined|Detailed
Community Review: review_date_here
Use Case Specification: On device profiling
1. Brief Description
It is useful if the developer has as much information as possible about the functioning of the application during the development of the application. This can be created with debug features but also with device profiling. Device profiling collects information extensively from the use and provides this information for the developer.
A Java developer builds a profiling build which gives information about the use of the application. The developer chooses during build to use profiling feature. The system creates the builds with profiling features. When the application is run it collects profiling information and writes it in the memory.
2. Flow of events
2.1 Basic Flow
- B1: The user chooses to create a profiling build(s).
- B2: The system adds profiling features into the application during compilation.
- B3: The system packages the build.
- B4: The user runs the profiling build on a device.
- B5: The device writes profiling information in the memory.
- B6: The user closes the application.
- B7: The user moves the profiling information from the device to computer.
- B8: The user opens Eclipse.
- B9: The user chooses use the profiling view.
- B10: The system displays profiling information along with the source code.
2.2 Alternative flows
- Alternative flow 1:
3. Special Requirements
4. Preconditions
4.1 A profiling code creation functionalities are available
The system provides functionalities for profiling code creation into the application. The system adds code in the application to make it store information from the use in the device.
4.2 Profiling UI is available in Eclipse
Eclipse provides an UI for viewing profiling information attached to the source code.
5. Post Conditions
5.1 Profiling build has been created
The system has created a profiling build with profiling functionalities.
5.2 Profiling information has been created
The device has created profiling information during the use of the application. The information includes number of calls to a certain method, time spent in a method etc.
5.3 Profiling information has been stored
The application has stored the profiling information. This is done when enough information is gathered or the application is closed. The preferred place for storing information is the memory card.
5.4 Profiling information is shown along with the source code
The system shows the profiling information along with the source code when profiling view is chosen from Eclipse. The user can make conclusions about the functioning of the application based on the view.
6. Extension Points
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