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Object Teams Development Tooling
(Redirected from Object Teams Development Environment)
The comprehensive tool environment for OT/J is based on Eclipse and the JDT. It has been developed since 2003, to a large extent as part of the TOPPrax project. The following people have directly contributed to the OTDT:
- Andreas Kaiser
- Carsten Pfeiffer
- Christine Hering
- Christine Hundt
- Gregor Brcan
- Jan Wloka
- Jaroslav Svacina
- Joachim Hänsel
- Johannes Gebauer
- Jürgen Widiker
- Karsten Meier
- Marco Mosconi
- Markus Witte
- Michael Krüger
- Ralf Anklam
- Sascha Kolewa
- Stephan Herrmann (project lead)
Many others have also contributed valuable feedback, bug-reports, feature-requests etc.
Note that some older content is still served from our old server from
- download page
- feature list
- New & Noteworthy
- online tool documentation (as shipped with the OTDT, current stable version)