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Java Workflow Tooling Project
JWT aims to provide both build-time and runtime generic tools for workflow engines. It is composed of several tools: the WE (Workflow Editor) to model the workflows and WAM (Workflow engine Administration and Monitoring tool) for monitoring and deployment. JWT also aims to provide generic APIs for defining and administrating business processes, in order to achieve said genericity. Addtionally, we will provide the user with several transformations: a user can start modeling his/her processes in BPMN, transform those to JWT, enrich them with technical details and then deploy them on a process engine. Therefore, we develop transformations from BPMN to JWT, from JWT to BPMN, from JWT to XPDL, from JWT to STP-IM, etc.
Get and use Java Workflow Tooling!
- Download and install JWT
- Tutorial on how to use and extend JWT
- Download the current source code of JWT and try the latest features
JWT Community
- JWT Resources - Mailing list, newsgroup, original proposal and other sites
- JWT Press - Public Presentations, conferences, press articles, blogs, forums
- JWT Integrations - Solutions that integrate and extend JWT
JWT Developer Documentation
- Extending JWT - How to extend JWT through Plugins and available extension points. To go further :
- Overview of JWT architecture
- JWT Metamodel- JWT model core design, extensions and governance
- JWT WE architecture - Documentation about an old version and integration of JWT named AgilPro
- JWT WAM architecture Alignment of JWT WAM and AgilPro IFW/AFW
- JWT Transformations - Compatibility tools with other standards and languages
- JWT Workflow Engine API and Monitoring - JWT Workflow Engine API and Monitoring of Workflow Engines
- JWT Runtime - JWT Workflow Engine SPI and Runtime tools in JWT
JWT Contributor Documentation
- JWT DeveloperFAQ - General information about many recurring development and release tasks. Also :
- JWT Modification Guidelines - JWT development guidelines (such as API, string externalization)
- JWT Ramp-Down-Policy - all necessary informations to integrate JWT into Eclipse Releases
- JWT Automatic Build - how build is automated (releng)
Other Development Resources :
- Telcos and Meetings of JWT
- Brainstorming
- Release Engineering somewhat obsolete, rather see JWT Ramp-Down-Policy and project plan.