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EPP/Obsolete/Configuration File Format
< EPP(Redirected from EPP/Configuration File Format)
Templates and Working EPP Configuration File Examples
Note that this file is only used for generating the EPP website content, and please also note that most parts of the original file are note required any more! The content definition of a package is done in three projects, one of them is the branding plug-in, the other is the root feature that contains, and the last one contains the .product file for the actual build.
By definition, this file is called
and located in the feature of each package.
git clone git://
See EPP/Packaging Site with a description of the proposed additional information.
Example with Comments
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- version: The RCP version to build. This is used to determine the file
name of the root file archives -->
<rcp version="3.5M7" />
<!-- name: The name of the product, used in naming the created files.
eclipseProductId: ID of the product for RCP builds (NOT USED ANY MORE)
initialPerspectiveId: ID of the perspective that will be opened first (NOT USED ANY MORE) -->
initialPerspectiveId="org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaPerspective" />
<!-- Collection of Eclipse Update Sites (NOT USED ANY MORE) -->
<!-- url: The URL (without site.xml) that points to a valid Eclipse Update Site.
The features that are given below are searched for on all sites. -->
<updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
<updateSite url="file:///home/data/httpd/" />
<!-- A list of root features that will put into the package (NOT USED ANY MORE) -->
<!-- A single feature
id: The feature ID (NOT USED ANY MORE)
version: 'latest' will pick up the feature with the highest version number available
on the update sites. Otherwise, the correct version number must be set. (NOT USED ANY MORE) -->
<!-- folder: Pointing to a folder containing the zipped root files for each of the target platforms.
May be specified relative to this configuration file. (NOT USED ANY MORE)
EPP expects Eclipse Platform archives in there with a name derived from the 'rcp version'
attribute above, e.g. eclipse-platform-3.4M4-linux-gtk.tar.gz -->
<rootFileFolder folder="/home/data/httpd/" />
<!-- relativeFolder: Name of a subfolder where a local update site mirror will be created. (NOT USED ANY MORE) -->
<extensionSite relativeFolder="extension_site"></extensionSite>
<!-- Create archives for win32, linux, macosx platforms, antZip is default format -->
<!-- Define the target platforms that will be build (NOT USED ANY MORE) -->
<!-- Definition of a single platform
ws: Windowing System (NOT USED ANY MORE)
arch: CPU architecture (NOT USED ANY MORE) -->
<platform os="win32" ws="win32" arch="x86">
<!-- Define the output archive format
format: antZip (default), tar (==tar.gz) -->
<archiveFormat format="antZip"></archiveFormat>
<!-- Content of the eclipse.ini file
path: Path to eclipse.ini within the archive (Mac OSX has a special requirement) -->
<eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
<platform os="linux" ws="gtk" arch="x86">
<archiveFormat format="tar" />
<eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
<platform os="linux" ws="gtk" arch="x86_64">
<archiveFormat format="tar" />
<eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash
<platform os="macosx" ws="carbon" arch="ppc">
<archiveFormat format="tar" />
<eclipseIniFileContent path="/eclipse/">-showsplash