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Deploying I-Card Service 1.0
(Redirected from Deploying the I-Card Service)
This guide assumes you have the following software:
- Apache Tomcat 5.5 or later (or other servlet container)
- "rpps-axis.war" file must be made before deploying (i.e. RPPS-web project must be built. For information on how to build the web applications, look here: Building the Higgins I-Card Service).
Deploying the Service
- MySQL-database must be installed. Create a user which will be used for accessing to database ( e.g “higgins_rpps”). It is necessary to create two mysql-schema. The first schema will be created for working with icard-providers. The second schema will be created for working with UserProfile. Assign all operation privileges for these schemata to “higgins_rpps” user
- Driver MySQL must be placed in the "lib" folder, in the directory where Tomcat was installed. Drivers can be downloaded here.
- Project directory *\org.eclipse.higgins.rpps.web contains the folder “conf”. It includes zip-archive files and folders which are needed for running RPPS-web in Tomcat. Extract all files and folders.
- Contents of the extracted directory must be placed in a home directory of the current user.
Folder “.higgins” contains three folders: “.icard”, “.ontology”, “.iss”. In a folder “.icard” there are files of a configuration for icard-providers: “org.eclipse.higgins.icard.provider.cardspace.managed.db” and “org.eclipse.higgins.icard.provider.cardspace.personal.db.ini”. They have equal structure. It is necessary to change three parameters:
<parameter name="db.username" value="username for login to databse"/> <parameter name="db.password" value="password for login to databse"/> <parameter name="db.url" value="jdbc:mysql://hostname for MySQL server/First_Schema_name?autoReconnect=true"/>
In “org.eclipse.higgins.icard.provider.cardspace.personal.db.ini” you need to change the “defaultImage.file” parameter. It contains absolute path to default card image file.
<parameter name="defaultImage.file" value="/usr/share/higgins/ConfigurationFile/higgins.jpg"/>
Path “/usr/share/higgins” is the path to our user home folder. For filling schema-tables in database you must execute SQL script mysql.sql. It be found in folder "*\org.eclipse.higgins.icard.provider.cardspace.db.mysql\sql" In “org.eclipse.higgins.icard.registry.userProfileService.ini” file you need to change “” and “idasDiscovery.filename” parameters. They contain the absolute path to “userProfileContext.xrds” and “contextfactories.xrds” accordingly. For example:
<parameter name="" value="/usr/share/higgins/.higgins/.icard/xrds/userProfileContext.xrds"/> <parameter name="idasDiscovery.filename" value="/usr/share/higgins/.higgins/.icard/xrds/contextfactories.xrds"/>
In “userProfileContext.xrds” you need to change parameter “schema.file” if userProfile.owl is placed in another folder. This parameter contains a path to “userProfile.owl”. You can use “@user.home” constant instead of path to user home folder.
<Setting Name="schema.file" Type="xsd:string">@user.home/.higgins/.ontology/userProfile.owl</Setting>
In a subfolder “xrds”, in the file userProfileContext.xrds three fields should be changed:
<Setting Name="db.password" Type="xsd:string">username for login to databse</Setting> <Setting Name="db.user" Type="xsd:string">password for login to databse</Setting> <Setting Name="db.url" Type="xsd:string">jdbc:mysql://hostname for MySQL server/Second_Schema_name?autoReconnect=true</Setting>
The necessary tables for second schema will be created automatically. Folder “.iss” contains configuration files for Icard selector service (iss). Folder “ConfigurationFile” contains two configuration files for Security Token Service (sts): “ClientConfiguration.xml” and “PersonalConfiguration.xml”. - For the final step, copy rpps-axis.war from the folder *\org.eclipse.higgins.rpps.web\build\war into Tomcat folder "/webapps" and restart Tomcat for deploy Web Application.